December 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
It has been found and determined that in accordance with the policies and orders of the Board, the notice of this meeting was posted publicly at the Administration Building in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001 et. seq., and that all of the terms of said article have been fully complied with and that the 72-hour notice required has been properly and correctly given.
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Open Forum (Public Comment Section)
At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a regular meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item on the Agenda for an open meeting must register with the Board Secretary by email at no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of the Board meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item not on the Agenda can register with the Board Secretary at any time prior to the Board meeting. Speakers will not be permitted to criticize HFISD employees, whether addressing the Board on an Agenda item or a subject not on the posted Agenda.
Topic: Regular Meeting of the Hamshire-Fannett Board of Trustees Time: Dec 14, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 864 3286 9044 One tap mobile +13462487799,,86432869044# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 864 3286 9044 Find your local number: Join by SIP Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 864 3286 9044 |
5. Superintendent's Announcements
5.A. 2020 Christmas Card Winner
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Owner/Architecture and Owner/Contractor Contracts
At its November 30, 2020 board meeting, the board received feedback from its counsel regarding contracts for construction manager at-risk and architectural services. The board’s counsel presented his recommended amendments to those contracts.
The administration has worked with legal counsel and the architectural firm PBK to include all revisions recommended by board’s counsel. Those revised contracts are presented in this meeting to the board.
7. Discussion of General Matters Related to the Bond Construction Project
The board at ithe November 30, 2020 meeting received a significant amount of information from architects, legal counsel, financial advisors, and the administration regarding the up coming bond project. The board will continue to receive monthly updates and information throughout the life of the project to its completion.
The administration will discuss general items and answer questions for the board. In addition, specific items will be discussed relating, but not limited to, a project manager, process for hiring a construction manager at-risk, the community bond committee, etc. |
8. Business Items (Consent Items)
The Board of Trustees have been supplied detailed background information regarding each item of business on the "Consent Agenda" if one is so indicated or it has been discussed at a previous meeting of the Board. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately. If requested by a Board member, individual items may be removed the the "Consent Agenda" to be discussed and voted upon separately. All items are as recommended by the Superintendent.
8.A. Approval of November 30, 2020 Board Minutes
8.B. Approval of Expenditures/Financials
8.C. Discussion and Possible Approval of Student Per Diem
In reviewing the travel per diem rates for our students, it has been determined that they are in the need of being increased. These rates are used for both activity and budget student travel.
ITEM ADDRESSED The Board will consider adjusting its students travel per diem rates: Current Rates Proposed Rates Breakfast $4.00 $7.00 Lunch $6.00 $9.00 Dinner $10.00 $14.00 Total $20.00 $30.00 |
8.D. Discussion and Approval of JPL Electrical to Install New Switchgear Equipment at the Middle School Campus
As a result of age and deterioration due to exposure to the elements, the Middle School switch gear cabintry needs replacing and a new transformer due to damages.
JPL Electrical will address the following issues with the middle school's high voltage transformer and switchgear cabinetry: 1. The remoal of existing electrical 480 volts 1200 amp switchgear fuses 2. Install new 1200 amp switchgear and breakers 3. The removal of 480 volts/120 volts transformer next to switchgear feeding the sub- panel. 4. Install new 480-volt transformer feeding the 208/120 volt sub-panel 5. Removal of the 208/120 volts sub-panel fuse type. 6. Install new 208/120 sub-panel and breakers MATERIAL- NEW ELECTRICAL GEAR AND MISCELLANEOUS MATERAL $28,800.00 LABOR $5400.00 INCLUDING LIFTING EQUIPMENT REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF OLD ELECTRICAL GEAR Total Cost: 35,200.00
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of HB 3 Board Outcome Goals
In keeping with the state’s 60x30 TX goal, the School Finance Commission recommended establishing a preK through 12th grade goal of at least 60 percent proficiency at TEA’s "Meets" standard at two key "checkpoints" along the state’s public preK through 12th grade educational continuum: • Sixty percent of all students meeting the state’s "Meets" standard at third grade reading and math• Sixty percent of all high school seniors graduating without the need for remediation and achieving (1) an industry-accepted certificate aligned with a living wage job; or (2) enrolling in post-secondary education or (3) enlisting in the military The School Finance Commission recommended that each public district or charter network be required to: • Establish locally developed board goal • Annually report their goal progress publicly along with any other board goals that they measure their progress against. Metrics should be disaggregated by various student groups including family income, native language, ethnicity, and special population
10. Adjournment