January 13, 2020 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Closed Executive Session until 7:00 pm
2. Recognize Board Appreciation Month 2020
3. Recognize Student and Staff Achievements
4. Recognize Visitors
5. Approve Board Minutes for 12-9-19 and 12-16-19
6. Superintendent Communications
6.A. Enrollment
6.B. Recent and Upcoming Events
6.C. HEB Excellence in Education School Board Finalist
7. Construction Update
Approve Name Recommendation for New Junior High School |
9. Approve Monthly Financials and Quarterly Investment Report
10. Approve Request for TEA Waiver for Full Day Pre-Kindergarten
11. Consideration and action to approve bids for asphalt and concrete
12. Consideration and action to approve Competitive Sealed Proposals for a sanitary sewer line to serve Spring Canyon Elementary
13. Consideration and action to approve Competitive Sealed Proposals for water distribution, waster water collection, paving and drainage improvements for New High School at Arden Road
14. Consideration and action to approve Change Order for additions to Baseball/Softball Facility and Ag/Manufacturing Facility Expansion
15. Consideration and action to approve management fees under Cooperative Purchasing Contracts per Section 44.0331
16. First Reading Policy Update 114
17. Accept Donations
18. Employ Personnel
19. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property