October 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Repka
3. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)]
4. Recognition:
4.A. Principals month
5. Celebrations:
5.A. JR High - Kindness rocks project
Ms. Waugh
5.B. GJM - KaBoom Playground Grant
Mrs. Thompson
6. Reports:
6.A. New Building and Future Construction Projects
Albert Soto, Chris Brzozowski
6.B. Superintendent Report:
6.B.1. TASA/TASB Convention
6.B.2. Additional Language has been added to the to Student Handbook
6.C. 2019 EL Report
Miss Mircovich
6.D. Check Register for September
6.E. Tax Collections
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. Minutes of Regular Meeting
7.B. Investment report
7.C. Financial Report for September
8. Action Items:
8.A. Bond election in May 2020, for facility improvements
Mr. Mircovich
8.B. Concession Stand design and construction/GJM reroof, LWA architect
Mr. Mircovich
8.C. GJM Campus Targeted Improvement Plan
Miss Mircovich
8.D. IPS Campus Targeted Improvement Plan
Miss Mircovich
8.E. Purchase of a Suburban and 2 Micro Buses.
Dr. Lynne Porter
8.F. San Patricio board of directors nominations
9. Executive Session:
9.A. Review resignation received from Evonne Valle
9.B. Superintendent Goals 2019-20
10. Return to Open Session:
10.A. Superintendent Goals 2019-20
11. Adjourn