July 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Snyder
3. Audience Participation Policy [Policy BED(Local)]
4. Reports:
4.A. Superintendent Report
4.A.1. Budget Workshop
4.A.2. On Line Registration - Opens July 16th
4.A.3. Supt Eval July 16th @ 6:30
4.A.4. MASBA Membership
4.B. Building Project Update
Albert Soto / Chris Brzozowski
4.C. IHS Soccer Program
Coach Hamrick
4.D. Board Graphs
Dr. Porter
4.E. STAAR Scores Update
Miss Mircovich
4.F. 2018 ELL Summer School Report
4.G. Tax Collections Summary Report for June 2018
4.H. Check Register for June 2018
5. Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 11,2018
5.B. Appraisal Calendar for the 2018-2019 school year
5.C. Financial Report for June 2018
5.D. Monthly Investment Report for June 2018
6. Action Items
6.A. Student Code of Conduct handbook for the 2018-2019 school year.
6.B. Pre- AP academic student waiver for the 2018-2019 school year
Dawn Whidden
6.C. Local Policy Update
Mr. Mircovich
6.D. General Fund # 199 Budget Amendment
Dr. Porter
7. Executive Session:
7.A. Fast Track 2018-2019 Probationary Contracts given to: Tiffany Majeck and Victoria Luke.
7.B. Accept resignations received for the 2018-2019 school year from: Charles Simmons, Cheryl Guion, Bridgett Mettlach and Nora Trevino, Patricia Lewandowski .
8. Return to Open Session:
8.A. Accept resignations received for the 2018-2019 school year from: Charles Simmons, Cheryl Guion, Bridgett Mettlack and Nora Trevino, Patricia Lewandowski .
9. Adjourn: