May 8, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation:
Mr. Snyder
3. Recognition:
3.A. Softball Bi-District Champions
Coach Alvarado
3.B. Area and Regional Track Qualifiers
Coach Miller & Coach Gonzales
3.C. Dylan Ferrell selected to compete in CBCA All Star Football Game
Coach Hamerick
4. Celebrations:
4.A. IPS- Mrs. Gibson was chosen to be a reviewer for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching.
Mrs. Gibson
4.B. BLAS - 5th grade students initiated a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald home
Mrs. Blankenship
5. Audience Participation Policy [Policy BED (Local)].
6. Reports:
6.A. Superintendent's Report
6.A.1. Summer Leadership Institute San Antonio- June 11-13. Selection sheets are due for registration.
6.A.2. TASA/TASB Dallas Convention October 6-8 Omni has been selected as the headquarter hotel. Reservations need to be made by June 1.
6.A.3. Call for nominations for Region 2 TASB Board of Directors
6.B. New School Update
Albert Soto / Chris Brzozowski
6.C. 5th Six Weeks Board Charts
Dr. Porter
6.D. 5th and 8th grade- STAAR results
Miss Mircovich
6.E. 2017 TELPAS
Miss Mircovich
6.F. ELL Summer Program
Miss Mircovich
6.G. Presentation of current tax collections for April 2017
6.H. Check Register for April 2017
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. Minutes of Special and Regular Meetings of April 10th
7.B. Budget Amendment General Fund # 199
7.C. Superintendent Fast Track Hiring for the 2017-2018 school year beginning May 9 2017
7.D. RESOLUTION # 264-05-17 "2016–17 MEDIA HONOR ROLL" In recognition and appreciation for the exemplary nature of reporting public school events Ingleside ISD honors Anita West reporter for the Index and Kerry Riley reporter for the Herald
7.E. Monthly Investment Report for April 2017
7.F. Financial Report for April 2017
8. Action Items:
8.A. Discuss and approve an order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of "Ingleside Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017"; securing the payment thereof by authorizing the levy of an annual ad valorem tax; approving and authorizing the execution of all instruments and procedures related thereto including a paying agent/registrar agreement; uthorizing execution of a financial advisory contract; and approving the form of an official statement
Mr. Simmons
8.B. Consider and approve IPS ELL Summer Program schedule
Karen Mircovich
8.C. Consider and approve size requirements for plaque and court name.
Mr. Mircovich
8.D. Schedule meeting to Canvass May 6th Election
Mr. Mircovich
8.E. Consider and approve General Fund # 199 Budget Amendment for or the purchase of two new buses.
Mr. Simmons
9. Consider and approve revisions being made to the Drug Testing Policy Handbook
Miss Mircovich
10. Executive Session:
10.A. Consider and approve certified Probationary Contract for the 2017-2018 offered to: Amy Stevens and Stacy Edlin
10.B. Review resignations received from: D'Ann Miller, Carolyn Oliver, Wendy Allen, Suzann Bridgman, Annalisa Lara,Ben Bitner, Rosalinda Lira.
11. Return to Open Session and Take Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Take Action On.
11.A. Consider and approve 2017-2018 Certified contracts being offered to: Amy Stevens and Stacy Edlin