February 10, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Loeffler
3. Recognition - GOAL 3
3.A. Elementary - UIL Participants
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)]
5. Reports and Presentations - GOAL 1,2,3
5.A. Superintendent's Report
5.A.1. Winter Governance - Feb. 27-Mar. 1 *Omni Bayfront Hotel *Corpus Christi
5.A.2. Grassroots Meeting - Wed. Feb.26th at ESC 6-9 PM
5.A.3. Review dates for: Budget Workshop and Board Goals and Measurements
5.A.4. Round-Up Days Parade Sat. April 5
5.A.5. Cheer Constitution
5.A.6. Long Range Planning - February 24th at 6:30 PM
5.A.7. TCEA Presentation
5.A.8. Habitat for Humanity
5.B. High School Annual Report
Mr. Glover
5.C. Review of Campus Reports for the 3rd sixth week
Dr. Lynne Porter
5.D. Presentation of current tax collections for January 2014
Mr. Simmons
5.E. Check Register for January 2014
Mr. Simmons
5.F. Presentation of District NCLB Report Card
Dr. Porter
5.G. UIL Realignment and Recommendations for next school year
Coach Hesseltine
5.H. Dupont Presentation on economic development negotiations
Bob Barger
7. Consent Agenda Items - GOAL 1,3
7.A. Minutes of Regular and Special Meetings January 13, 2014
7.B. Investment Report for January 2014
7.C. Financial Reports for January 2014
7.D. Consider and approve waiver to adjust timeline for accelerated instruction
Dr. Porter
7.E. Consider and approve waiver for Modified Schedule
Dr. Porter
7.F. Consider and approve District Calendar for the 2014-2015 school year
Mr. Mircovich
7.G. Consider and approve Resolution No. 1084 authorizing Ingleside and IISD to conduct a joint election to comply with Education Code, Section 11.0581, and to reduce the costs of the election.
Mr. Mircovich
8. Action Items - GOAL 1
8.A. Interlocal agreement between Independent School Districts
Mr. Mircovich
9. Closed Session - Goal 1
9.A. Discuss commercial or financial information received from Dupont with whom the District may be commencing economic development negotiations.
10. Return to Open Session and Take Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Take Action on.
10.A. Discussion and possible action to retain consultants to assist the District in processing of Dupont Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property.
Mr. Mircovich
10.B. Discussion and possible action to adopt resolution No. 232-02-14, of support for a future Application of Dupont for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, to authorize the Superintendent to review the Application for completeness, and to submit to the Comptroller.
Mr. Mircovich
11. Adjourn
6. Round-Up Days Parade Sat. April 5