October 8, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mrs. Flores
3. Recognition
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Reports and Presentations
5.A. Presentation of Project Status Report of Ingleside Administration Building and Multi-Purpose Building.
Mr. Brendalen
5.B. Presentation of report from San Patricio County Appraisal District Board of Director.
Dr. Loeffler
5.C. Report given by Food Service Director concerning Audit and Goals for Food Service Department.
Mrs. Elizondo
5.D. Adequate Yearly Progress Report for the 06-07 school year- AYP.
Mrs. Fisher
5.E. Public Hearing - "FIRST" report for Ingleside ISD.
The public is offered an opportunity to discuss the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Report and rating received by Ingleside ISD. The district received a rating of Superior Achievement.
Mr. Simmons
5.F. Update on Vocational Program.
Mr. Mircovich
5.G. Presentation of current tax collections for September 2007.
Mr. Simmons
5.H. Presentation of Check Register for September 2007.
Mr. Simmons
5.I. Updated Board Planning Calendar attached.
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Special and Regular Meeting of September 10, 2007.
6.B. Investment report.
6.C. Consider Approval of Financial Report for September 2007.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consideration of Advertising for Bids for the Ingleside High School Stadium Parking.
Mr. Mircovich
7.B. Consider Approval of Resolution #149-10-07 authorizing the Impact Aid Application for the 07-08 school year.
Mr. Simmons
7.C. Consider Campus Improvement Plans for the 07-08 school year.
Dr. Porter
7.D. Consider Application for Modified Schedule for TAKS testing day waiver for 07-08 school year.
Mr. Snyder
7.E. Consider Nomination to the Board of Directors for the
San Patricio County Appraisal District.
Mr. Mircovich
7.F. Consider Approval of Tax Refund requested for Lynda Harp for $510.97.
Mr. Simmons
8. Closed Session
(Texas Govt. Code Section 551.001 et seq)
The Board will enter into closed session in Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
8.A. Pursuant to Texas Govt. Code Sect. 551.071 and 551.0821, consultation with school attorney regarding pending litigation and possible settlement of S.L. v. Ingleside ISD, before a Texas Education Agency Special Education Hearing Officer, TEA Docket Number 330-SE-0807.
8.B. Texas Govt. Code 551.074 Personnel Matters- Review resignation received and consider contract for employment.
9. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9.A. Consideration and possible action concerning pending litigation and possible settlement of S.L. v. Ingleside ISD, before a Texas Education Agency Special Education Hearing Officer, TEA Docket Number 330-SE-0807.
9.B. Approve resignation received.
9.C. Approve contract for employment for Secondary English Teacher.
10. Adjourn