February 20, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Information on Summer Leadership Institute in San Antonio June 14-16, 2007.
Mr. Mircovich
3. Action Items
3.A. Consider acceptance of bids.
Mr. Simmons
3.A.1. Demolition of Home Bleachers at Mustang Field.
3.A.2. Construction of Bleachers at Mustang Field.
3.A.3. Roof repair to library wing at Blaschke-Sheldon Elementary.
3.B. Consider approval of Innovative Course Application for
Geographic Information Systems.
Dr. Porter
4. Budget Workshop for 07-08 school year.
Mr. Simmons
5. Closed Session - The Board will enter into closed session in Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.074 to Deliberate and Consider Personnel.
Mr. Mircovich
6. Return to Open Session
Mr. Mircovich
7. Adjourn