September 11, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Tommy Adame
3. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
4. Reports and Presentations
4.A. Presentation of Project Status Report of Ingleside Primary School Construction
4.B. Presentation of information presented to Blaschke-Sheldon and Taylor Jr. High on Sept. 1 - Staff Development Day
Dr. Porter
4.C. Public Hearing - "FIRST" report for Ingleside ISD
Mr. Simmons
4.D. Presentation of current tax collections for August 2006
Mr. Simmons
4.E. Presentation of Adequate Yearly Progress Report - AYP for the 05-06 school year
Mrs. Fisher
5. Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 2006, special meeting of August 14, 2006,
and special meetings of August 28 and August 29, 2006.
Mr. Adame
5.B. Investment report
5.C. Consider Approval of Financial Report for August 2006
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider Tax Refunds for Emiliano Torres $521.31, Edward Adams $725.73, and Jeff Mumme $532.30.
Mr. Simmons
6.B. Consider adopting Resolution #133-09-06 declaring 4-H an extra curricular activity and approving adjunct staff members from Aransas County and San Patricio County.
Mr. Mircovich
6.C. Consider adopting Resolution #134-09-06 regarding Impact Aid application for the 06-07 school year.
Mr. Simmons
6.D. Consider approval of investment policy and officers for the 2006-07 school year. Resolution #135-09-06 approving independent sources of instruction, Resolution #136-09-06 regarding approval of investment officers, and Resolution #137-09-06 approving the investment policy
Mr. Simmons
6.E. Consider Student Code of Conduct for 06-07.
Mr. Snyder
6.F. Consider approval of teacher appraisal calendar and appraisers for the 06-07 school year.
Dr. Porter
6.G. Consider application for modified schedule for TAKS testing day waiver 06-07.
Mr. Snyder
6.H. Consider approval of amendment to Pool 10 Offer and Strike Price Sheet
Mr. Simmons
7. Closed Session
7.A. Personnel
7.B. Real Property
8. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9. Adjourn