March 24, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
Volunteer Recognition
Student Recognition - Nacogdoches High School Cosmetology
Campus Spotlight - Fredonia Elementary School
Board Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting - February 15, 2011
Regular Meeting - February 24, 2011
Business Office Reports
Budget Amendments
Unaudited Revenues and Expenditures
Information - Miscellaneous Business Office Reports
Purchases Over $10,000
Attendance Report - Fourth Six Weeks
Consideration of and Board Action on Revised Job Descriptions
Para Professional and Auxiliary Job Families
Head Dispatcher - Transportation
Assistant Dispatcher - Transportation
Bus Technician - Transportation
Transportation Secretary/Bookkeeper - Transportation
Deaf Education Certified Captionist Aide - Special Education
Assistant Cafeteria Manager, 9th Grade Center - Child Nutrition Department
Second Reading of Revised Local Policy DCB: Employment Practices - Term Contracts
Consideration of and Board Action on TEA Waivers
Second Reading of TASB Policy Update 89, Affecting Local Policies:
CKB (Local): Safety Program/Risk Management - Accident Prevention and Reports (Revise Policy)
EEJA (Local): Individualized Learning – Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction (Delete Policy)
EEJB (Local): Individualized Learning – Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction (Delete Policy)
EEJC (Local): Individualized Learning – Correspondence Courses (Delete Policy)
EFB (Local): Instructional Resources – Library Media Programs (Delete Policy)
EHDB (Local): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit – Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction (New Policy)
EHDC (Local): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit - Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction (New Policy)
EHDD (LOCAL): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit – College Course Work/Dual Credit (Revise Policy)
EHDE(LOCAL): Alternative Methods for Earning Credit – Distance Learning (New Policy)
FD(LOCAL): Admissions (Revise Policy)
Consideration of and Board Action on Gifts and Donations
Consideration of and Board Action on Authorized Representative Amendment Forms for Lone Star, Tex STAR, and Texas CLASS Investment Pools
Consideration of and Board Action on Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds of Independent School Districts Under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District Depositories
Consideration of and Board Action on New Course Offerings at Nacogdoches High School for 2011-2012
Geology - Scientific Research and Design
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
College Algebra - Independent Study in Mathematics
Consideration of and Board Action on Revisions to Nacogdoches High School Catalog of Course Offerings for 2011-2012
Consideration of and Board Action on Pre-K Textbook Adoption
Consideration of and Board Action on English Language Arts and English as a Second Language Textbook Adoption
First Reading of Revised Local Policy EIC: Academic Achievement - Class Ranking
Consideration of and Board Action on Facilities Items:
Freezer Replacement for Child Nutrition
Changes to Beall Gym Renovation Project
Delivery Method for McMichael Campus and Mike Moses Campus Construction Projects
2011 Summer School Schedule
Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010
Transportation Report - Fuel Cost
District Unification: the Nacogdoches Way - Vison Survey Results
Professional Development 2011-2012
551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney on a Matter in Which the Duty of the Attorney to the Governmental Body Under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas Clearly Conflicts with this Chapter
551.071 - Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney for the Purpose of Discussing Pending or Contemplated Litigation or Settlement Offer, Where the Duty of Counsel to his Client, Pursuant to the Code of Professional Responsibility Clearly Conflicts with the Act
551.074 - Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee; or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee;
Deliberation of Contract Renewals and/or Proposed Nonrenewals of Teachers and Other Professional Certified Full-Time Contract Employees
Resignations of Professional Employees
551.074 - Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee; or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee;
Discuss the Duties, Responsibilities, Governance Rules and Code of Ethics for Board Members
Discuss Board Relations and Board Communications
Discuss Board Relations with the Superintendent
551.129 - A Governmental Body May Use a Telephone Conference Call, Video Conference Call, or Communications Over the Internet to Conduct a Public Consultation With its Attorney in an Open Meeting
of the Governmental Body or a Private Consultation With its Attorney in a Closed Meeting of the Governmental Body
Board Action on Personnel Items:
Contract Renewals and/or Proposed Nonrenewals of Teachers and Other Professional Certified Full-Time Contract Employees
Resignations of Professional Employees
Future Agenda Items - Board Members May Request Placement of Agenda Items for Upcoming Board Meetings