May 18, 2009 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Administer Oath of Office To Newly Elected Board Members
6. Election of Officers of the Board of Trustees.
7. Presentation to Royce Carr and Mark Traylor
8. Student Recognitons
9. Class of 2009 Valedictorian and Salutatorian/Top Ten Students
10. Recognition of Retired Teachers
11. Above and Beyond Awards
12. Recognition of 2008-2009 Campus Employee of The Year
13. Recognition of 2008-2009 Campus Teacher of the Year
14. Presentation by the Community Learning Center
15. Minutes
15.A. Regular Meeting - April 27, 2009
16. Education
16.A. Overnight Trips
16.A.1. MPHS Band / Choir - State Solo and Ensemble Competition - Austin, TX - May 29-31, 2009
16.A.2. MPHS FFA - State Degree Check - Stephenville, TX - June 10-12, 2009
16.A.3. MPHS FBLA - National Competition - Anaheim, CA - June 23-29, 2009
16.A.4. MPHS FFA - State FFA Convention - Dallas, TX - July 7-10, 2009
16.B. Addition to PDAS List - Jamie Cook
16.C. Memorandum of Agreement Between NTCC and MPISD
17. Business
17.A. Financial Report for April 2009
17.B. American Red Cross Supported Shelter Agreement
18. Bids and Quotes
18.A. CSP #211-10 Uniform Cleaning Services
18.B. CSP #212-10 Maintenance and Transportation Vendors Discounts
18.C. CSP #213-10 Instructional Catalog Discounts
18.D. Career and Technology Education Project House
18.E. Bank Depository Contract
19. Reports
19.A. Superintendent's Report
19.A.1. Update On Class of 2009
19.B. Child Development Center News
20. Future Meetings
20.A. Regular Meeting - June 22, 2009 - 5:30 P.M. - CSS Board Room
21. Personnel
21.A. Personnel Recommendations (including the following)
21.A.1. Professional Personnel
21.A.2. Resignations
21.A.3. Retirements
21.A.4. Transfers
21.A.5. Substitutes
21.B. Employment of Mount Pleasant High School Principal
22. Adjournment