July 23, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Minutes
5.A. Regular meeting June 25, 2007
5.B. Special meeting July 9, 2007
6. Education
6.A. 2007-2008 Student Code of Conduct
6.B. Revision to DEA(Local): Compensation and Benefits - Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
6.C. Revision to DED(Local): Compensation and Benefits - Vacations and Holidays
6.D. 2007-2008 Employee Handbook
6.E. Calendar of certified teacher appraisals
6.F. Appraisers for certified teachers.
6.G. 2007-2008 District Improvement Plan
6.H. 2007-2008 Campus Improvement Plans
6.H.1. Child Development Center
6.H.2. E. C. Brice Elementary
6.H.3. Vivian Fowler Elementary
6.H.4. Annie Sims Elementary
6.H.5. Frances Corprew Elementary
6.H.6. P. E. Wallace Middle School
6.H.7. Mount Pleasant Junior High
6.H.8. Mount Pleasant High School
6.H.9. Community Learning Center
6.H.10. DAEP
6.I. Appoint a board representative to the Ark Tx Council of Governments
6.J. Endorse an individual for the Texas Association of School Boards Board of Directors Region 8.
6.K. Upper East Texas Tech-Prep/School-to-Work Partnership compact
6.L. Overnight Trips
6.L.1. MPHS Cheerleaders, Cheer Camp, August 6-9, 2007, College Station
7. Business
7.A. Financial report for June 2007
7.B. Schedule Public Hearing for 2007-2008 school budget and proposed tax rate.
7.C. Proposed tax rate to fund the 2007-2008 school budget
7.D. Proposed cafeteria meal/snackbar prices
7.E. Proposed additional $500 stipend for Masters Degree on salary schedule
8. Bids and Quotes
8.A. Bid #317-08 Bread Products
8.B. Bid #318-08 Ice Cream Products
8.C. Bid #319-08 Secondary Vendor for Food and Non Food Products
8.D. Bid #324-08 Sale of Building/1708 W. Ferguson
8.E. Bid #325-08 Chiller / P.E. Wallace Middle School
8.F. Bid #326-08 2007 (1) Ton Dually Truck/ CATE
8.G. Bid #327-08 (2) 77 passenger bus & (1) 47 passenger bus
9. Reports
9.A. Superintendent's report
9.A.1. Construction update
9.A.2. Safety Audit Report Summary
10. Future Meetings
10.A. Public Hearing, TBA
10.B. Regular meeting August 27, 2007, 5:30 p.m. CSS Board Room
11. Personnel
11.A. Personnel
12. Adjournment