January 22, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Welcome
5. Public Comments/Audience Participation
6. Presentation of School Board Recognition Month Certificates
7. Above and Beyond Awards
8. Recognition of Pilgrim Bowl Classic Committee
9. Presentation by Vivian Fowler Elementary School
10. Minutes
10.A. Consideration to approve minutes of the regular meeting December 11, 2006.
11. Education
11.A. Consideration to adopt a resolution recognizing Career and Technology Education Month.
11.B. Consideration to approve the submission of a waiver to the Texas Education Agency requesting approval of staff development days for the 2007-2008 school year.
11.C. Consideration to approve the 2007-2008 school calendar.
11.D. Consideration to approve amendments to Local Policies of the Board of Education of the Mount Pleasant ISD, TASB Update 79.
11.D.1. Local Policies to be considered are as follows:
11.E. Head Start/Early Head Start Program Design and Management Documents
11.E.1. Head Start / Early Head Start Philosophy and Goals
11.E.2. The Head Start / Early Head Start Policy Council Composition
11.E.3. Shared-Decision Making Procedures
11.E.4. Internal Dispute Resolution
11.E.5. Grievance (Community Complaint) Procedures
11.F. Consideration to approve a contract for election services with the County Elections Administrator of Titus County, Texas.
11.G. Consideration to order an election to be held on May 12, 2007, for Place 1 and Place 2 on the Board of Trustees of the Mount Pleasant ISD.
11.H. Consideration to approve a resolution authorizing a joint election with the City of Mount Pleasant in order to satisfy the requirements of HB1.
11.I. Consideration to approve overnight trips:
11.I.1. Tiger Dolls, Dallas Power House of Dance, March 5-7, 2007
11.I.2. FFA, Heifers, Gilts, Meat Judging Show, San Antonio Stock Show, Feb. 4-7
11.I.3. FFA, Heifers, Gilts, Barrows, Commercial Steers, Ag Mechanics, Houston Stock
Show, Feb. 27- March 18 (various dates)
11.I.4. HOSA (Health Science), Area Spring Leadership Conference, Duncanville,
February 2-3
12. Business
12.A. Consideration to approve the Financial Report for December 2006.
12.B. Review of the quarterly investment report.
12.C. Discussion/consideration to purchase of property adjacent to the Child Development Center.
13. Bids and Quotes
13.A. Consideration to approve the purchase of 50 computers for Mount Pleasant High School CATE Department.
14. Reports
14.A. Board Member Training for 2006
14.B. Awnings at Mount Pleasant High School and Mount Pleasant Junior High School
15. Future Meetings:
15.A. Regular Meeting February 26, 2007, 5:30 p.m. CSS Board Room
16. Personnel
16.A. Consideration of personnel recommendations
16.B. Consideration of the Superintendent's Contract
17. Adjournment