March 3, 2025 at 4:00 PM - Regular Meeting and Workshop
Agenda |
I.A. Announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been duly posted for time and manner required by law.
II.A. Budget workshop #1 for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
III. CLOSED SESSION. Section 551.001 et seq. (if necessary)
III.A. Deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties,
discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including discussing complaints, hiring, resignation, termination, proposal for non renewal, proposal for termination, evaluation, promotion or demotion of personnel. Gov't Code 551.074 |
III.B. Deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Gov't Code 551.072
III.C. Deliberation regarding security devices, personnel deployment, or security audits. Gov't Code 551.076.
III.D. Consulting privately with the board’s attorney concerning contemplated litigation. Gov't Code
551.071. |
IV.A. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags.
IV.B. Recite Vision and Core Values.
VI. OPEN FORUM: Hearing of individuals or committees.**
VII.A. Superintendent's Report.
VII.B. Informational Bond 2023 construction update.
VII.C. Informational report on WISD's Balanced Scorecard: Priority 2 & 3.
VII.D. The Human Resources Department will provide the staff survey results taken from January 6-February 14, 2025.
VII.E. Informational report on Chapter 37 behavior coalition.
VIII.A. Consideration and approval of minutes from previous meetings.
VIII.B. Consideration and approval of monthly bid reports, purchase orders requiring board approval, and proposed budget amendments.
VIII.C. Consideration and approval of monthly financial reports that include cash position, revenue reports, budget summary, and tax collection reports.
VIII.D. Consideration with possible approval of new and/or modified positions.
VIII.E. Consideration with possible action to approve the TC Wilemon parking lot project to be completed by RJG Construction at a price not to exceed $178,498.49.
VIII.F. Consideration with possible action to approve the pay grade addition as discussed in closed session.
VIII.G. Consideration with possible action to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TSTC (Texas State Technical Center) for Dual Credit purposes.
VIII.H. Consideration with possible action to approve the Turner Pre-K bathroom remodel, ceiling tile replacement, and grid repair, and a paint project at a price not to exceed $615,000 to be completed by Concord Commercial Services, Inc.
VIII.I. Consideration with possible action to approve the ceiling tile replacement, grid repair, and cafeteria paint project at Northside Elementary at a price not to exceed $300,000 by Hart's Flooring.
VIII.J. Consideration with possible action to approve supplemental summer learning materials from Barnes & Noble, to be funded by Title I funding, at a cost not to exceed $166,100.
VIII.K. Consideration with possible action to approve Dunaway Elementary's full remodel of the group and staff bathrooms at a price not to exceed $415,000 to be completed by Concord Commercial Services, Inc.
VIII.L. Consideration with possible action to approve Wedgeworth Elementary School's full flooring removal and new LVT installed by Hart's Flooring, at a price not to exceed $400,000.
VIII.M. Consideration with possible action to approve the TC Wilemon building's globe light replacements in the building at a price not to exceed $100,000 to be completed by George Wayne Mechanical.
VIII.N. Consideration with possible action to approve the door handle upgrade project at the TC Wilemon building at a price not to exceed $156,881 to be completed by School Specialty.
VIII.O. Consideration with possible action to approve the door handle upgrade project at Northside Elementary School at a price not to exceed $55,095 to be completed by School Specialty.
VIII.P. Consideration with possible action to approve the Hancock Building's ceiling tile replacement in the kitchen serving line, removal of the quarry tile in the serving line, and the epoxy of the flooring to be completed by Hart's Flooring at a price not to exceed $105,000.
VIII.Q. Consideration with possible action to approve the remodel project in the TC Wilemon's old kinder wing at a price not to exceed $115,000 to be completed by Hart's Flooring.
VIII.R. Consideration with possible action to approve a furniture purchase for Finley Junior High, Howard Junior High, and the Coleman Junior High Schools cafeteria not to exceed $1,025,0000 to be completed by School Specialty.
VIII.S. Consideration with possible action to approve the Marvin Biomedical Academy's restroom remodel, ceiling tile replacement, and grid repair, and a paint project at a price not to exceed $695,000 to be completed by Hart's Flooring
VIII.T. Consideration with possible action to approve the full remodel of the student and staff restrooms, as well as the entrances of Wedgeworth Elementary at a price not to exceed $375,000 to be completed by Hart's Flooring.
VIII.U. Consideration with possible action to approve the remodel of the student and staff restrooms at Shackelford Elementary at a price not to exceed $345,000 to be completed by Concord Commercial Services, Inc.
VIII.V. Consideration with possible action to approve the remodel of group restrooms and the girls' locker room at Howard Junior High at a price not to exceed $900,000 to be completed by Concord Commercial Services, Inc.
VIII.W. Consideration with possible action to approve Finley Junior High's ceiling tile replacement, grid repair, paint and remodel the group restrooms, as well as the girls' locker rooms at a price not to exceed $910,000 to be completed by Hart's Flooring, Inc.
VIII.X. Consideration with possible action to approve the burying of power lines behind the Hancock building at a cost not to exceed $200,000.
IX.A. Consideration with possible action to approve a TEA Maximum Class Size Exception Waiver.
IX.B. Consideration with possible action to approve a tuition-based WISD Pre-K program for the 2025-2026 school year.
IX.C. Consideration with possible action to approve the change order from BTC, and to accept the Wilemon STEAM Academy project as complete, and to authorize the release of project retainage in accordance with Board Policy CV (Local).
IX.D. Consideration with possible action to approve the guaranteed maximum price for the remaining scope of the Waxahachie Creek High School construction project from Pogue Construction at a cost not to exceed $229,146,852.
X.A. Board members will comment on items of community interest, including expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; and reminders about upcoming district events.