November 13, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Announcement by the presiding officer that a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been duly posted for time and manner required by law.
II. CLOSED SESSION. Section 551.001 et seq. (if necessary)
II.A. Deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties,
discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including discussing complaints, hiring, resignation, termination, proposal for non renewal, proposal for termination, evaluation, promotion or demotion of personnel. Gov't Code 551.074 |
II.B. Deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Gov't Code 551.072
II.C. Deliberation regarding security devices, personnel deployment, or security audits. Gov't Code 551.076.
II.D. Consulting privately with the board’s attorney concerning contemplated litigation. Gov't Code
551.071. |
III.A. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags.
III.B. Recite Vision and Core Values.
V. OPEN FORUM: Hearing of individuals or committees.**
VI.A. Superintendent's Report.
VI.B. Informational update on Bond 2023 construction progress.
VI.C. Informational report on WISD's Balanced Scorecard: Priority 3-Community & Stakeholder Relationships.
VI.D. Informational report on the instructional materials selection process for 2024-2025..
VI.E. Overview and discussion of the timing related to campus moves as part of the district's 17,000+ student facilities plan.
VI.F. Informational report on the current beverage contract with Keurig Dr Pepper.
VI.G. Informational report on a possible change to a three-tier transportation system.
VII.A. Consideration and approval of minutes from previous meetings.
VII.B. Consideration and approval of monthly bid reports, purchase orders requiring board approval, and proposed budget amendments.
VII.C. Consideration and approval of monthly financial reports that include cash position, revenue reports, budget summary, and tax collection reports.
VII.D. Informational report on the maintenance department's work orders.
VII.E. Informational report regarding monthly student attendance, student discipline, student drug offenses and drug prevention measures.
VII.F. Informational report on the transportation department.
VII.G. Consideration with possible approval of new and/or modified positions.
VII.H. Consideration with possible approval of the Region 10 ESC Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
VII.I. Consideration with possible approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with Moak Casey for Continuing Improvement Consortium for the 2023-2024 school year.
VII.J. Consideration with possible action to approve a resolution and agreement for a sanitary sewer easement with the City of Waxahachie on Waxahachie ISD's property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of US Highway 287 and US Highway 287 Bypass which will be the site of the new Wilemon STEAM Academy.
VII.K. Consideration with possible approval of an interlocal agreement with Ellis County to provide labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete road maintenance, enhancements, repairs, and other projects that may be requested by WISD.
VII.L. Consideration with possible action to approve a resolution affirming the district's practice of allowing chaplains to serve as volunteers.
VII.M. Consideration with possible action to ratify a contract with Rone Engineering to provide materials testing services at Elementary #10.
VII.N. Consideration with possible action to approve resolution and agreement for a public pedestrian access easement with the City of Waxahachie on Waxahachie ISD's property located at the southwest corner of intersection of US Highway 287 and US Highway 287 Bypass which will be the site of the new Wilemon STEAM Academy.
VII.O. Consideration with possible action to approve a certified T-TESS appraiser.
VII.P. Consideration with possible action to approve a contract with ProCare therapy for SLP (Speech Language Pathology) services.
VIII.A. Consideration with possible approval of the installation and operation of a warning siren at Clift Elementary School.
VIII.B. Consideration with possible action to cast votes in the election of Ellis County Appraisal District Board of Directors.
VIII.C. Consideration with possible action to approve a resolution to designate two school buses as surplus property and donate them to the City of Waxahachie for use by the Waxahachie Fire Department for training purposes.
VIII.D. Consideration with possible action to approve the guaranteed maximum price for the construction of Hancock renovations and expansion from BTC in the amount of $25,255,000.00.
VIII.E. Consideration with possible action to award construction manager at-risk contracts for the remaining 2023 bond projects, including Finley Junior High campus expansion, construction of Elementary School #11, and Comprehensive High School #2.
VIII.F. Consideration with possible action to select a name for Elementary School #10.
VIII.G. Consideration with possible action to select a name for Elementary School #11.
IX.A. Board members will comment on items of community interest, including expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; and reminders about upcoming district events.