February 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Communications and Visitors
II.A. Reminder to complete the economic interest form
II.B. Letter of Congratulations on Workers' Comp
II.C. Life Health Safety Report
III. Approve Regular and Executive Minutes
IV. Financial Statement and Approval of Bills
V. Business
V.A. Approve the 2025-2026 school year calendar
V.B. Approve recommendation to have a Board Staff dinner this year on Friday, May 9
V.C. Approve recommendation to create an additional 4th grade position for the 2025-2026 school year
V.D. Approve the recommendation to create an in-house bus driver position for the 2025-2026 school year.
V.E. Approve the recommendation to proceed with leasing information on 1 small bus (35-48 passenger) and 1 activity bus for the 2025-2026 school year
V.F. Approve recommended updated SEAPCO hiring survey
V.G. Approve recommendation to post job openings for ECE teacher and two assistants
V.H. Approve recommendation to make in-house IT position only IT not split with RtI
VI. Information
VI.A. Interviews for open seats on the Board
VI.B. Behavior Data
VI.C. Enrollment
VI.D. Review 5 Essentials data on culture and climate
VI.E. Contract with Teacher's Union due to expire. Negotiations to begin
VII. Reports
VII.A. Principal(s)
VII.B. Superintendent
VII.C. Board of Education
VIII. Adjourn to Executive Session
IX. Action from Executive Session
X. Adjournment