August 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Consideration of Consent Agenda
4.A. July Minutes
4.B. Budget Report
4.C. Cash Position and Investment Report
4.D. Tax Revenue
5. Consider for Approval Expenditures
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Superintendent Report
6.A.1. Public Meeting to Discuss 2024-2025 Budget and Tax Rate
Notice of Public Meeting ran in the The Paris News as required by law.
6.A.1.a. Budget Workshop
Notice of Public Meeeting ran in The Paris News as required by law.
6.A.2. Annual Review of Investment Policy and Strategies
6.A.3. Security Update
6.B. Principal's Report
6.B.1. Elementary
6.B.2. Secondary
7. Executive Session (Texas Governance Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D&E)
7.A. Personnel Matters (TX Gov't Code, Section 551.074)
7.B. Attorney Consultation (TX Gov't Code, Section 551.071)
7.C. Student Discipline (TX Gov't Code, Section 551.082)
7.D. Student Information (TX Gov't Code, Section 551.0821)
7.E. Deliberate the Appointment of a Trustee
8. New Business
8.A. Consider for Approval the 2024-2025 Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate
8.A.1. Certify Ordinance to Set Tax Rate for 2024 Levy
8.B. Consider for Approval the 2024-2025 Budget
8.C. Consider for Approval the 2023-2024 Year-End Budget Amendments
8.D. Consider for Approval the Resolution Rescinding Prior Commitments of Fund Balance
8.E. Consider for Approval the Resolution to Commit Fund Balance for Principal of Long-Term Debt
8.F. Consider for Approval the Local Certifications
8.G. Consider for Approval the Investment Policy Resolution
8.H. Consider for Approval Setting the District Meal Reimbursement Rate to Match the State Rate
8.I. Consider for Approval the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
8.J. Consider for Approval Additional Guardian Team Members
8.K. Consider for Approval the Adjunct Faculty Designation for County Extension Agents and 4H Sponsors
8.L. Consider for Approval the Resolution Declaring 4H as an Extra-Curricular Activity
8.M. Consider for Approval the Resolution to Appoint a Representative to ATCOG
8.N. Consider for Approval 2024-2025 Extra-Curricular Handbook
8.O. Consider for Approval the Appointment of a Trustee
9. Information Items
9.A. December 5th NTSBA Fall Dinner and EISO Training
9.B. Next Meeting: September 26th
10. Adjourn