April 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
2. Board Work Session - 5:30 PM/Conference Room 125
2.A. Construction Projects
2.B. Monthly Reports
2.C. Progress Checks
2.D. Budget
3. Opening Ceremonies - 7:00 PM / Board of Trustees Room
3.A. Pledge of Allegiance
3.B. Recognition / Accomplishments
4. Superintendent Reports
4.A. Enrollment & Attendance
4.B. Child Nutrition
4.C. Tax Office
4.D. Comparison of Expenditures
4.E. Financial & Investment Report
4.F. Check Register
4.G. Update on Bullying Issues
5. Public Forum - Opportunity for the General Public or Audience to address the Board regarding topics not listed on the Agenda. Persons attending the meeting must complete a Sign-Up Form (located on the podium at each entrance) and submit to the Board President prior to the meeting being convened. This Open Forum allows individuals to address the Board on any subject except personnel. (Any personnel concern should be brought directly to the attention of the Superintendent.)
6. Subjects
6.A. Consider Appointment to Fill the Unexpired Board Position Place 6
6.B. Issue Certificate of Appointment and Administer Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Officer
6.C. Consider Consent Agenda Items
6.C.1. Minutes
6.C.2. Budget Amendments - None at this writing
6.C.3. Accounts Payable - Refer to Item 5-F
6.D. Consider Waivers for Low Attendance Days and Missed Instructional Days
6.E. Consider Board Policy EIF (Local)
6.F. Consider TASB Board Policy Update 87 Affecting Local Policies CH, DFBB, DFE, DI, FB, FFAC, and FFH
6.G. Consider Authorization for Professional Services Agreement with Teague, Nall, and Perkins, Inc.
6.H. Consider Name of School Road on FM 1902 to Caddo Grove Elementary and Loflin Middle School
6.I. Consider New Name for the Joshua Accelerated Learning Center
6.J. Consider Easement to United Cooperative Services
6.K. Consider Proposals for Concession Facility at Loflin Middle School
6.L. Consider Proposals for Paving Bids on Henderson Street
7. Closed Meeting - Executive Session - The open session of the meeting will adjourn. The Board will convene in a closed session to discuss items authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074.
7.A. Consultation with the Board's Attorney
7.B. Discussion of Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
7.C. Discussion of Personnel to Consider Compensation, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Contract Extensions, Resignations, Dismissal, and/or Leave of Absence Requests
7.C.1. Resignations
8. Open Session - The Board reconvenes into open session to consider action on items discussed in Executive Session.
9. Adjourn