July 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Establishment of Quorum
3. Open Forum
4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
5. Payment of Bills/Financials
Should you have any questions over the financials, please contact our office before the meeting to discuss.
6. Informational Items:
6.A. RLISD Preliminary State Testing Results
6.B. Community & Student Engagement
6.C. Leasing of Pep Center
7. Discussion/Action Items:
7.A. Special Programs Presentation: SHAC Program, GT Program & BIL/ESL Program
7.B. RLISD 2014-2015 Cafeteria Prices
7.C. Region 12 TASB Board of Director Endorsement
7.D. Press Box Update
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. School Board Meeting Dates for 2014-2015
8.B. District Stipends
9. Discussion/Action Items: Personnel
9.A. Contract Recommendations
9.B. Duties/Job Responsibilities/Assignments of Campuses Principals
10. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
10.A. Adopt 2014-2015 Budget
10.B. Approve 2014-2015 Tax Rate
10.C. 2014-2015 Student Transfer List
11. Adjournment