January 23, 2025 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
2. Adjourn to Closed Session (The Board may recess into Closed Session or Executive Session in Accordance with the Government Code Section 551.001-Texas Open Meeting Act
2.a. Personnel
2.b. Discussing Personnel Matters 551.074
2.b.1) Consideration and Approval of the Director of Finance
2.c. Superintendent Evaluation
3. Return to Open Session and Take Action if Needed on Closed Session items.
4. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge led by Highlighted Hippos, and Moment of Silence
5. Recite Vision and Mission Statement
6. District Recognitions
6.a. Hippos of the Month
6.b. Buyboard Rebate Presentation
6.c. School Board Recognition Month
7. Public Comment: Audience with individuals or committees making a report or request. We will open the meeting to public comment. The Board welcomes the public and its comments. We ask you to refrain from comments about any District employees without proper due process. Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to express his/her comments. Opinions expressed by speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Board of Trustees or the Administration.
8. Communication and Information Items
8.a. Reports
8.a.1) Board President Report
8.a.1)a) Committee Reports
8.a.2) Superintendent Report
8.a.3) Assistant Superintendent of Operations
8.a.3)a) Capital Improvements, Capital Projects -Strategic Priority 4.2
Casey Sledge, Sledge Engineering
8.a.4) Chief Financial Officer
8.a.4)a) Quarterly Finance Update-Strategic Priority 4.1
9. Information Only
9.a. Annual Update on Special Education Department -Strategic Priority 1.4
9.b. Update on the Fine Arts Department-Strategic Priority 1.4
10. Consent Agenda: The following items may be acted upon in one motion. No separate discussion or action is necessary unless requested by a Board Member, in which event items will be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration
10.a. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
10.b. Purchases Greater than $50,000
10.b.1) Lee Martinez Elementary School-Furniture for the Entire Campus -Strategic Priority 4.2
10.c. November Monthly Financial Report -Strategic Priority 4.1
10.d. Consideration and Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement Department of the Air Force Addendum DD Form 3202 AF/SF JROTC Unit-Strategic Priority 1.4
10.e. Consideration and Approval of the Resolution of the City of Hutto, Texas Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Hutto ISD Police Department and the City of Hutto Police Department
10.f. Consideration and Approval of the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Williamson County Sheriff's Office and the Hutto ISD Police Department
10.g. Consideration and Approval of the Renewal of the Master Services Agreement for Specialized Education of Texas, Inc. for RSY of 2024-2025 at Sierra School in Manor-Strategic Priority 1.4
10.h. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution to Submit a Grant Application to the Office of the Governor-Bullet Resistant Shield Grant Program, FY2026-Strategic Priority 4.1
10.i. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution to Submit a Grant Application to the Office of the Governor-Rifle Resistant Body Armor Grant Program, FY2026-Strategic Priority 4.1
10.j. Consideration and Approval to Offer the TEA Designated Innovative Courses -Strategic Priority 1.2
11. Action Items
11.a. Consideration and Approval of the Non Standard Service Agreement between Jonah Water Special Utility District and Hutto ISD-Strategic Priority 4.2
Dr. Dustin Barton, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
11.b. Consideration and Approval of the Elementary Attendance Rezoning & Boundary Leveling -Strategic Priority 4.2
Dr. Dustin Barton, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
11.c. Consideration and Approval of the District of Innovation Plan-Strategic Priority 2.2
11.d. Consideration and Approval of the 2025-2026 Academic Calendar-Strategic Priority 1.1 and 4.3
Brittany Swanson, Associate Superintendent of Instruction & Innovation
11.e. Consideration and Approval of Network Infrastructure Upgrades-Strategic Priority 4.2
Caleb Steed, Chief Financial Officer
11.f. Consideration and Approval of Recruiting Incentives-Strategic Priority 2.2
Dr. Cara Malone, Chief of Schools
11.g. Consideration and Approval of the Proposed Personnel Requests-Strategic Priority 2.2
Dr. Cara Malone, Chief of Schools
12. Board Calendar
13. Adjournment