July 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - 2020-2021 Re-entry Plan Review
Agenda |
II. 2020-2021 Re-entry Plan Review
II.A. Presentation of Proposed Transition Plan for Fall 2020
II.C. In accordance with guidance from the Texas Governor and Attorney General dated March 16, 2020 regarding suspension of open meeting laws, and in light of the recent Emergency Order issued for Jefferson County and the State of Texas and CDC guidance to limit mass gatherings, Beaumont ISD’s board meeting will convene via videoconference at the following link: https://zoom.us/j/91492625477?pwd=SHRMZUdzMEZORTNtRHVicFJhSlhpQT09. Public comment may be provided prior to the meeting in written form to gantoin@bmtisd.com and will be read aloud at the board meeting during the public comment portion of the meeting. Written comments will be limited to 1.5 minutes. In addition, videoconference participants may provide virtual public comment by requesting to speak via the chat function in the zoom platform. Live public comments will be limited to 1.5 minutes for each comment and 1 1/2 hours total. The agenda packet is available on the District's website: www.bmtisd.com. Following the meeting, the public will be provided access to a recording of the meeting.