April 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Zoom Video Conference or Call in
The public may access this meeting by Zoom video conference: https://zoom.us/j/97691011413?pwd=alZySnNaZ29ZaFhhZ0NHb041WXFpQT09 or by calling in on 1-346-248-7799, Meeting ID: 976 9101 1413, Password: 254239 or 1-833-302-1536.
2. District Goals
Goal 1 - (G1) Improve Student Performance
Goal 2 - (G2) Fiscal Responsibility and Financial Transparency Goal 3 - (G3) Campus Safety Goal 4 - (G4) Improve Internal and External Communication |
3. Call Meeting to Order
4. Recess to Closed Session
As authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551 Tex. Gov't Code: §551.071 (Legal advice with school attorneyl),§551.072 (Deliberation regarding real property), §551.074 (Personnel matters), and §551.076 (Deliberation regarding security devices or security audits).
4.A. Discussion of Employment Contracts for the 2020-2021 School Year - DCA(LEGAL and LOCAL), DCB(LEGAL and LOCAL), DCE(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G1)
4.B. Discussion of Superintendent’s recommendation to propose non-renewal of the Term Contract of Antonio Williamson, assistant principal DFBB(LEGAL and LOCAL)- (G2, G4)
5. Reconvene in Open Session
Consider and take Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session:
5.A. Possible action on the approval of Employment Contracts for the 2020-2021 School Year - DCA(LEGAL and LOCAL), DCB(LEGAL and LOCAL), DCE(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G1)
5.B. Possible action on the Superintendent’s recommendation to propose non-renewal of the Term Contract of Antonio Williamson, assistant principal DFBB(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G2, G4)
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Citizens Communication on Posted Agenda Items
Should you wish to address the Board during public comment, please submit your name, address, and the agenda item you wish to address to info@lancasterisd.org by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. Please put the following in the subject line of the email: "Public Comment for April 23, 2020 Board Meeting".
8. Adoption of Consent Agenda
8.A. Consider approval of the following Minutes: - BE(LEGAL and LOCAL)
8.A.1. February 20, 2020 - Public Hearing
8.A.2. February 20, 2020 - Regular Board Meeting
8.A.3. March 24, 2020 - Regular Board Meeting
8.A.4. March 30, 2020 - Called Board Meeting
8.B. Consider approval of the KICKSTART Kids Martial Arts Program for 2020-2021 Academic School Year - CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G1, G2)
8.C. Consider approval of the Region 10 Visually Impaired Agreement for 2020-21 Academic School Year -CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G1,G2)
8.D. Consider approval of the Purchasing Cooperatives Yearly Membership Costs Rebate for the 2020-21Fiscal Year - CH(LOCAL)-(G2)
8.E. Consider approval of the March 2020 Financial Reports - CAA(LOCAL)-(G2)
8.F. Consider approval of the Disposal of Instructional Materials and Supplies - CMD(LEGAL)-(G4)
8.G. Consider approval of the Acceptance of the Summer CTE Grant in the amount of $100,000 - CDC(LEGAL and LOCAL-(G1)
8.H. Consider approval of the Acceptance of the 2019-2021 TEA Safety and Security Grant in the amount of $118,898 - CDC(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G3)
8.I. Consider approval of the Acceptance of the Technology Lending Grant in the amount of $100,000 - CDC(LEGAL and LOCAL-(G1)
9. Action Items
9.A. Discussion and possible approval of the 2020-2021 Sodexo Contract - CH(LOCAL), COB(LEGAL)-(G2)
9.B. Discussion and possible approval of Budget Amendments - CE (LEGAL and LOCAL), CAA(LOCAL)-(G2)
9.C. Discussion and possible approval of Contracting Edgin, Parkman, Fleming & Fleming, P.C. for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 District Audit Services - CFC(LEGAL) and CAA(LOCAL)-(G2)
9.D. Discussion and possible approval of the 9th - 12th Grade ELAR Textbook Adoption - EFA(LEGAL) and CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G1)
9.E. Discussion and possible approval of Testing and Balancing Services Contract - CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G2)
9.F. Discussion and possible approval of Rentacrate Contract Addendum - CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G2)
9.G. Discussion and possible approval of Resolution regarding Delegation of Authority during Emergency Closing - (G4)
9.H. Discussion and possible approval of the Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for School Year 2020-21 - (G1,G2,G4)
9.I. Discussion and possible approval for the Purchase of the Technology Infrastructure Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Solution - CH(LEGAL and LOCAL)-(G2)
10. Adjournment