August 30, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Audience Comments - The Board Cannot Respond to Non-Agenda Items. Maximum Five Minutes per Individual
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
3.B. July Report of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
3.C. Budget Amendment(s)
3.D. 2010-2011 Employee Handbook
3.E. 2010-2011 Student Code of Conduct
3.F. 2010-2011 Campus Student Handbooks
3.G. Accept the Offer of $450.00 from Richard Moss for the 1990 Ford F350 Truck, VIN# 6907
3.H. Accept Proposal from Independent Glass & Mirror Company for the Amount of $27,400.00 to Finish the Middle School Door Project with Stimulus Funds
3.I. Amend 2010-2011 School Calendar Adding February 25, 2011 and March 3, 2011 as Early Release Days Due to Girls' Basketball Tournaments
4. Superintendent Reports
4.A. WHS Students of the Month
4.B. Report of 2009-2010 Accountability Ratings and Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Scores Presented by Phillis Stone
5. Items of New Business
5.A. Consider/Action on Adoption of 2010-2011 Budget
5.B. Consider/Action on Adoption of 2010 Tax Rate
6. Adjournment