August 27, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish a Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer/Vision Statement |
2. Open Forum
3. Recognition
3.A. Monty Huffman - TASB Leadership Program
4. Reports
4.A. TISD Bond and Capital Improvement Project update by SZH
4.B. Superintendent's Report
4.B.1. 2017-18 Fund Balance Breakdown
5. Informational
6. Acknowledgement
6.A. 2018 - 2019 Student Handbook
6.B. 2018 - 2019 Employee Handbook
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Consider and possible action to approve financial statements, investments, gifts, tax collection, amendments and bills.
7.B. Consider and possible action to approve July 23, 2018 board minutes.
8. Action Agenda
8.A. Consider/Approve any items related to the Trinity ISD Capital Improvements.
8.B. Consider/Approve resolution for the 2018 Certified Tax Roll.
8.C. Consider/Approve the 2018-2019 budget.
8.D. Consider/Approve Tex Pool resolution on authorized signatures.
8.E. Consider/Approve approval of the 2018-2019 Student Code of Conduct.
8.F. Consider/Approve HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning ) proposals.
8.G. Consider/Approve Fuel proposals.
8.H. Consider/Approve Integra Insurance.
8.I. Consider and take possible action on the purchase
of a Longhorn activity bus and a Longhorn special education bus. Includes wrapping on activity bus. Total costs not to exceed $250,000.00 |
8.J. Consider and take action to approve MOU between Trinity ISD and City Police Department and Trinity ISD and County Sheriff's Department.
8.K. Consider and take possible action on approving
the startup costs to fully support the establishment of our district's police department. Total costs will come out of fund balance and will not exceed $325,000.00. |
9. Executive Session - pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Codes with reference to the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074 ,551.072 and 551.072.
9.A. Personnel (Section 551.074 et. seq. of the Texas Government Code): for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignments, duties, discipline or dismissal of the public officer or employee or hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
9.B. Discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.
9.C. Consultation with legal counsel regarding status update on Cause No. 22570, David Magness and Kimberly Magness, individually and as representatives of the Estate of Journey Magness f/k/a Journey Johnson v. Trinity Independent School District, Chandra Wheeler, Micah Brock, and Milton Brock, in the 411th District Court of Trinity County, Texas. [Texas Government Code Section 551.071]
10. Open Session- deliberation and possible action if any, taken in closed session
10.A. Hiring of personnel.
10.B. Purchase, exchange or lease.
10.C. Discussion and possible action regarding Cause No. 22570, David Magness and Kimberly Magness, individually and as representatives of the Estate of Journey Magness f/k/a Journey Johnson v. Trinity Independent School District, Chandra Wheeler, Micah Brock, and Milton Brock, in the 411th District Court of Trinity County, Texas.
11. Adjourn