September 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish a Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer/Vision Statement |
2. Open Forum
3. Recognition of Students and Staff
3.A. THS Cheerleaders
TMS Cheerleaders |
3.B. Employees of the Month
Professional - Melenie Meredith Para-professional - Leivaca Anderson Support - Fred Johnson |
4. Reports
4.A. Trinity ISD and Capital Improvement Project update by SZH Architecture.
4.B. Principal's Report
4.C. Athletic Director
4.D. Natalie Barrett - STAAR/Accountability
4.E. Superintendent Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider and possible action to approve financial statements, investments, gifts, tax collection, amendments and bills.
5.B. Consider and possible action to approve board minutes.
6. Action Agenda
6.A. Consider/Take Action on all items related to the 2016 Trinity ISD Bond for Capital Improvements.
6.B. Consider/Take action on Trinity County Appraisal District election of board members.
6.C. Consider/Take action on Walker County Appraisal District election of board members.
6.D. Consider/Approve renewal of membership with Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle P.C. Law Firm.
7. Executive Session - pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Codes with reference to the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
7.A. Personnel (Section 551.074 et. seq. of the Texas Government Code): for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignments, duties, discipline or dismissal of the public officer or employee or hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
8. Open Session- deliberation and possible action, discussed in closed session
9. Adjourn