July 23, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call To Order/Establish a Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer |
2. Open Forum
3. Reports
Technology Report - Brian Furbee CIT Report - James Rabe Superintendent's Report - Dave Plymale |
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Deliberation and possible action to approve board minutes from June 25, 2012
4.B. Deliberation and possible action to approve financial statements, tax collection report, amendments & bills
4.C. Deliberation and possible action to approve PDAS Appraisal Calendar and Appraisers
5. Informational/Review Items
5.A. Review 2012-2013 Employee Handbook
5.B. Review 2012 - 2013 Student Handbook
6. Action Agenda
6.A. Deliberation and possible action to approve the Food Allergy Management Plan
6.B. Deliberation and possible action to approve Student Code of Conduct
6.C. Deliberation and possible action to approve Campus Improvement Plans
6.D. Deliberation and possible action to approve Board Calendar
6.E. Deliberation and possible action to increase lunch prices $0.10
6.F. Deliberation and possible action to seek HVAC proposals for 2012-2013 school year.
7. Executive Session-pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code with reference to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074 et seq
7.A. Personnel (Section 551.074 et.seq.of the Texas Government Code): for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignments, duties, discipline or dismissal of the public officer or employee or hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee-including but not limited to Superintendent's evaluation and contract and professional employee contracts.
8. Open Session
8.A. Deliberation and possible action, if any on items discussed in closed session
9. Adjourn