August 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Establish Quorum
Prayer and Pledge
Public Comment- Notice- Persons wanting to address the Board of Trustees are encouraged to participate in school district affairs during this portion of the agenda. Although Trustees welcome public involvement and input in school matters, patrons are first asked to go through regular school channels to resolve issues. Matters presented during this portion of the agenda are for Board consideration and information. Persons addressing the Trustees will be limited to a five-minute time limit unless granted an extension by the Board President. The matters presented shall not be discussed or acted upon the Board unless placed on the current or a future agenda for consideration/action. Please sign up to speak or ask to be recognized during this portion of the agenda if you wish to address the Board.
Consent Items
Minutes of Prior Meeting
Financial Report
Bills and Disbursement
Report by KSQ Architects (Update on Comprehensive Facilities Report)
Consider Resolution regarding extracurricular status of 4-H organization
Consider Adjunct Faculty Agreements with Parker County CEA 4H, CEA-AG, CEA-FCS
Consider retaining firm of Powell & Leon as the District's Attorney of Record for school year 2009-2010
Consider retaining First Financial as 403(b) Plan Administrator for all Garner ISD staff
Consider Employee Handbook for 2009-2010
Consider PDAS Calendar for school year 2009-2010
Presentation of 2009-2010 Garner ISD Budget and Tax Rates
Real Property Purchase for Future District use (551.072)
District employees and officers - Section 551.0774
Employment/Appointment/Reassignment/Evaluation/Duties of Personnel
Renewal/Nonrenewal/Assignment/Reassignment/Status of District Personnel
Monte Watson
Superintendent's Report
Facilities Update
School First Rating
TEA District Academic/AYP Ratings
Consider Adjourn