January 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. HS Assistant Principal Jayme Tedder: Emergency Operations Plan (distributed at meeting)
5. Campus Updates
5.A. HS Principal Stacy Jones
5.B. BMS Principal John-Paul Huber
5.C. ES Principal Sam Magallan
6. District Updates
6.A. Assistant Superintendent/Operations Scott Knippa
6.A.1. Facilities Report
6.B. Assistant Superintendent/Finance Byron Moreland
6.B.1. Financial Report
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. December 15, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
7.B. December Budget Report
7.C. December Monthly Bills
8. Consider Approval of the 2015 Emergency Operations Plan
9. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment to Increase Appropriations to Match NOGA
10. Consider Approval of EIF (LOCAL) Policy [Academic Achievement/Graduation]
11. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
12. Personnel
12.A. Resignations/Reassignments
12.B. Employment of Staff
12.C. Evaluation of Superintendent and Contract Review
13. Consider Approval of Superintendent's Contract
14. Superintendent's Report
14.A. Athletic Handbook
15. Adjournment