July 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. Parkhill -Update on current Building Projects (2023 Bond)
5. Campus Updates
6. District Updates
6.A. Director of Operations Brian Cooper
6.A.1. Facilities Report
6.B. CFO Steve Jerden
6.B.1. Financial Report
6.C. Assistant Superintendent Debra Keel
6.C.1. TIA Annual Evaluation Survey
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. June 3, 2024 Meeting Minutes
7.B. June Budget Report
7.C. June Monthly Bills
8. Discuss and consider approval of budget amendment(s) (if necessary).
9. Discuss and consider approval of endorsement for the TASB Board of Directors.
10. Discuss and consider approval of 2024-2025 Meal Pricing.
11. Discuss and consider approval of internet installation by Abacus for portable buildings.
12. Discuss and consider approval of the TEA Approved Innovative Course offering: General Employability Skills N1270153 (1 elective credit).
13. Discuss and consider approval of motion to select Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) as the construction delivery method for the new Student Special Events Center and High School Additions and Renovations.
14. Discuss and consider approval of motion to establish the criteria for the selection of Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) for the new Student Special Events Center and High School Additions and Renovations.
15. Discuss and consider approval of selection of a Proposal Scoring Evaluation Committee for the selection of the CMaR for the new Student Special Events Center and High School Additions and Renovations.
16. Discuss and consider approval of motion to allow Superintendent Elliott to enter contract negotiations with the highest-ranking proposer for the Greenwood ISD Multi-Purpose building project
17. Discuss and consider approval of Evaluation Committee Ranking of Proposers for the Multi-Purpose Facility.
18. Discuss and consider approval of 2024-2025 Pay Dates and Board Meeting Dates.
19. Call for Trustee Election.
20. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
20.A. Personnel: Resignations, Hiring, Termination, Nonrenewal, and Evaluation of Personnel
20.B. Real Estate: Consider Land Options
21. Personnel
21.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
21.B. Employment of Staff
22. Superintendent's Report
23. Adjournment