June 21, 2012 at 5:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
1.A. Prayer
1.B. Pledge
2. Limited Public Comments
3. Report Items
3.A. Bond Construction Update
3.B. 2011-12 School Health Advisory Council Report
3.C. Memorial Stadium Update
3.D. Big Spring Testing Results
4. Discussion Items
4.A. Special Meeting for Post-Election Procdures for Runoff Election of June 23
4.B. Discussion 2012-2013 Budget
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve Minutes
5.A.1. May 10, 2012 Board Minutes
5.A.2. May 16, 2012 Board Minutes
5.B. Financial Reports
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider Resolution to Allow Auction of Properties Held by Howard County as Trustee
6.B. Consider Approval of Howard County Appraisal District Budget
6.C. Review Updated 94 (LEGAL) Policies and Act on (LOCAL) Policies (see attached list)
6.D. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment for Summer Food Service
6.E. Consider Approval of Hiring Schedules for 2012-2013
6.F. Consider Approval of Employment Recommendations
6.G. Consider Donations to Big Spring ISD
6.H. Superintendent Annual Evaluation and Consider the Superintendent Contract
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. Enrollment
7.B. Resignations and Retirements
7.C. Texas Common Formative Assessment Seminar
7.D. Summer Leadership Institute Conference
7.E. Summer School
7.F. Federal Planning Amounts
8. Adjournment