May 12, 2011 at 5:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
1.A. Prayer
1.B. Pledge
2. Limited Public Comments
3. Goliad Intermediate School Student Presentation
4. Report Items
4.A. Report on Expenditures over $50,000
5. Discussion Items
5.A. Discuss Book Study - Working on the Work (WOW)
5.B. Discuss Special Meeting for Post Election Procedures for the General Election of May 14, 2011
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approve Minutes
6.A.1. April 7, 2011 Board Minutes
6.A.2. April 14, 2011 Board Minutes
6.B. Financial Reports
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider Approval of Howard County Tax Collection Budget for 2011-2012
7.B. Consider Approval of Agreement for Audit Services
7.C. Consideration of GMP for the Renovation of Big Spring Jr. High School
7.D. Consideration and Action to Approve a Resolution Regarding Selection and Ranking of Independnet Testing Services
7.E. Consider prevailing Wage Rate for Demolition Project
7.F. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Legal Services Agreement for Redistricting of the District's Single Member Districts After the 2010 Federal Census
(Considerar y posibles medidas a tomar para aprobar el Acuerdo de servicios legales con el bufete Underwood Law Firm para la nueva división en distritos, después del censo federal de 2010, de los distritos con un único miembro.) |
7.G. Consider Approval of Employment Recommendations
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Resignations and Retirements
8.B. Enrollment
8.C. Employee Service Awards and Dinner
8.D. Summer Leadership Institute in San Antonio on June 9-11, 2011
8.E. Update on College Heights
8.F. Staff Development
8.G. Board Meeting Dates
9. Adjournment