June 17, 2008 at 5:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
1.A. Prayer
1.B. Pledge
2. Limited Public Comments
3. Report Items
3.A. Update on State Funding
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Minutes
4.A.1. May 8, 2008 Board Minutes
4.A.2. May 15, 2008 Board Minutes
4.A.3. June 5, 2008 Board Minutes
4.B. Financial Reports
5. Action Items
5.A. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment for Summer Food Service
5.B. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment for Field Lighting
5.C. Consider Approval of Budget Transfer for Laptop Payment
5.D. Consider Approval of Update to Board Policy CH(Local) Regarding Purchasing and Acquisition
5.E. Consider a Grow Your Own Contract for Speech Language Pathologist
5.F. Consider an Update to the Emergency Operating Procedures Manual
5.G. Consider Approval of Bids for Athletic Supplies & Equipment
5.H. Consider Approval of Bids for Milk Products
5.I. Consider Approval of Bids for Bread Products
5.J. Renewal of Annual Food Service Chemical Supplies Contract
5.K. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment for Food Service
5.L. Consider Approval of Bids for Multipurpose Copy Paper
5.M. Consider Proposals for exclusive Flagship Radio Broadcasting Status
5.N. Approval of Interagency Agreements with Region 18 ESC for 2008-09
5.O. Approval of the Novation of the Title I Part C, Title III and Title IV Funds to Region 18 ESC
5.P. Review updated (LEGAL) policies and act on (LOCAL) policies (see attached list)
5.Q. Consider Approval of CPA Firm for 2008 Audit Services
5.R. Consider Resignations, Retirements and Employments
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment Report
6.B. Board Meeting Schedule
6.C. Board Training
7. Adjournment