February 14, 2008 at 5:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
1.A. Prayer
1.B. Pledge
2. Limited Public Comments
3. Report Items
3.A. Update on the Preliminary 2008-2009 Budget
3.B. 2007-08 Board Member Training
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Minutes
4.A.1. January 10, 2008 Board Minutes
4.A.2. January 17, 2008 Board Minutes
4.A.3. January 31, 2008 Board Minutes
4.B. Financial Reports
5. Action Items
5.A. School Board Trustee Election Order and Appointments for the May 10, 2008, Election (La Orden de la Elección De Oficiales del Distrito Escolar y Citas para el día 10 de mayo de 2008, Elección)
5.B. Bids for School Bus Emission Reduction Devices
5.C. Consider an Expedited Waiver for Staff Development Days
5.D. Consider the 2008-09 District Calendar
5.E. Consideration and action on an Order calling a special bond election and providing for the conduct of the election and other matters incident thereto
5.F. Consideration and action to hire the Underwood Law Firm as bond counsel
5.G. Consider Resignations, Retirements and Employments
5.H. Consider Recommendations for Administrators, Directors, and Coordinators
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment Report
6.B. 2008 TASB Summer Leadership Institute
6.C. UIL Realignment for 2008-10
7. Adjournment