April 9, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
3.A. Battle of the Book participants
4. Construction Update
5. Consider paving at Dyer Elementary
6. Consider revision to Emergency Operations Plan
7. Consider date for called meeting to canvass results of May 12, 2007 election
8. Consider teacher aide salary schedule for 2007-08 school year
9. Consider stipend schedule for 2007-08 school year
10. Consider interlocal agreement for TPA (Third Party Administrator) with Financial Benefits Service
11. Consider adoption of job description for Technology Support Specialist
12. Reports
12.A. Special Reports
12.A.1. Campus News
12.A.2. Quarterly Investment Report
Darla Putman, Business Manager
12.B. Superintendent's Report
12.B.1. Enrollment Update
12.B.2. Affordable rental housing proposed in KISD
13. Personnel
13.A. Consider resignation of professional personnel
13.B. Consider employment of professional personnel
14. Discuss future land aquisition
15. Action on items from Closed Session
16. Consent Agenda
16.A. Approve minutes of March 12, 2007 board meeting
16.B. Approve payment of March bills
16.C. Approve budget amendment
16.D. Approve purchase of 39-passenger special needs school bus through TASB's Buy Board
16.E. Approve purchase of 2007 Chevrolet Suburban through TASB's Buy Board
17. Items for future agendas
18. Adjourn