March 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Petrolia Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
United States Pledge of Allegiance
Texas Pledge
Petrolia CISD Mission Statement
Citizen Participation
Departmental Reports
Items for Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action
Consent Agenda
Minutes from previous meetings since the last regular meeting
Budget Amendment(s) as needed
Discussion Item Only: Financials/Check Listing/Investment Reports
Presentation and Possible Action to Approve 2025-2026 School Calendar and Work Calendars
Approve Adding 1995 Ford Bus to Salvage List
Approve Adding 2006 Ford Freestar Mini Van to Salvage List When No Longer Repairable
Discuss and Approve TIA Spending Plan Updates
Discuss and Approve Bluebonnet Transition Implementation Plan
Superintendent's Report
Recess Open Session and Enter into Executive/Closed Session
Discussion of appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, or dismissal of PCISD employees...551.074
Deliberation of possible land acquisition, economic development opportunity...551.072
Discussion on the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices or a security audit...551.076
Students - 551.082
Adjourn Executive/Closed Session and Reconvene Open Session
Item(s) requiring action following Executive/Closed session