August 31, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledges of Allegiance
5. Public Forum
6. Recess for Public Hearing
7. Public Hearing
8. Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Regular Meeting
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.A. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report and Disbursement of Funds
9.B. Consider Approval of Minutes of the August 12, 2020 Special Called Board Meeting
9.C. Consider Approval of Minutes of the August 12, 2020 Budget Workshop Meeting
9.D. Consider Approval of Minutes of the August 18, 2020 Special Called Board Meeting
9.E. Consider Approval of Minutes of the July 13, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
9.F. Consider Approval of Appraisal Calendars for 2020-2021
9.G. Consider Approval of 2020-21 TEA Waivers
9.G.1. Consider Approval of 2020-21 Staff Development Waiver
9.G.2. Teacher Data Portal of the Texas Assessment Management System Waiver 2020-2021
9.G.3. Timeline for Accelerated Instruction 2020-2021
9.G.4. Other COVID-19 Related Waiver: Alternate K and/or 7th Grade Reading Instruments Requirement 2020-2021
9.H. Consider Approval of 2020-21 Region 11 Discovery Education Streaming Contract Renewal
9.I. Consider Approval of TISD Student Handbook
10. Central Office Reports
10.A. Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
10.A.1. Budget Amendments Report
10.B. Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Student Services
10.B.1. Accountability Update
10.C. Superintendent Report
10.C.1. Campus/District Activities Report
10.C.2. 2020-2021 Start of School Report
10.C.3. Student Enrollment Report
10.C.4. 2020-2021 Proposed Board Meeting Dates
10.C.5. TASA/TASB Virtual Convention Reminder
10.C.6. TASB Delegate Assembly
11. Regular Agenda (Agenda Items for Discussion and Possible Action)
11.A. Consider Approval of TISD 2019-2020 Amended Budget
11.B. Consider Approval of TISD 2020-2021 Budget
11.C. Consider Approval of Maintenance and Operation Tax Rate and Debt Service Tax Rate for 2020-2021
11.D. Consider Approval of SRO Interlocal Agreement between Liberty County and Tarkington ISD
11.E. Nominee Submission for Liberty County Appraisal Review Board
11.F. Nominee Submission for Appointment to Agricultural Advisory Board
11.G. Consider First Reading and Temporary Approval of LOCAL Policies in TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 115
11.H. Consider Approval of Increase of THS Yearbook Pricing
11.I. Consider Approval of NIMS Implementation Activities for Schools and Higher Education Institutions
11.J. Consider Approval to Rescind the Resolution for Superintendent Designated Authority during COVID-19 approved during April Board Meeting
11.K. Personnel
12. Adjourn into Closed Session (No Public Discussion) Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code Sections - .071 Consultation with Attorney; .074 Personnel Matters; .082 Student/Employee Information; .0821 Student Information.
13. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Action (if needed) on items discussed in Closed Session
14. Future Agenda Items (Next regular board meeting will be Sept. 21, 2020)
15. Adjourn
16. Subsequent meeting if necessary to be held Sept. 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.