August 20, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Open Forum
III. Invocation and Pledge
IV. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
IV.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting July 23, 2018
IV.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report for July 2018 and Budget Amendment for Final Budget
James Slater
V. Consider Adoption of the Proposed 2018 - 2019 Budget
James Slater
VI. Consider and Act upon Resolution Imposing the 2018 - 2019 Proposed Tax Rate
James Slater
VII. Consider Approval of Assignment of Fund Balance
James Slater
VIII. Consider Approval fo Policy Update 111 Affecting local Policies: BBD (LOCAL) Board Members - Training, CAA (LOCAL) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics, CJA (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct -Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing, DI (LOCAL) Employee Welfare, FEA (LOCAL) Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
Wesley Holt
IX. Consider Approval of Charter School Impact Statement
Wesley Holt
X. Consider Acceptance of District Improvement Plans and Campus Improvement Plans for the School Year 2018 - 2019
Sandra Hancock
XI. Consider Purchase of Chromebook Cart for Connally Junior High
David Wimberly
XII. Consider Approval of T-TESS Appraiser List
Larry Cumby
XIII. Consider Approval of T-TESS Appraisal Calendar
Larry Cumby
XIV. Consider Approval of Appointment of McLennan County Extension Staff as Adjunct Faculty
Wesley Holt
XV. Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of McLennan County 4-H Organization
Wesley Holt
XVI. Superintendent's Report
XVII. Set Date, Time, and Location for September Regular Board Meeting
Wesley Holt
XVIII. Closed Meeting (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.074 and §551.076)
XVIII.A. Consider Resignation of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XVIII.B. Consider Employment of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XVIII.C. Discussion of Superintendent Evaluation (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX. Reconvene From Closed Meeting and Continue with Items for Consideration and Possible Action (Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.102)
XIX.A. Consider Resignation of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX.B. Consider Employment of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX.C. Consider Approval of Superintendent Evaluation (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XX. Adjournment