March 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Public Hearing regarding Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) - Terry Howard
4. Public Comments (TAPR)
5. Acceptance of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
6.A. Regular Board Meeting February 8, 2016
7. 2015-2016 School Year Campus Presentations - Michael Steck, Superintendent of Schools
7.A. Student of the Month - Jr. High School
7.B. Teacher of the Month - High School
7.C. Staff of the Month - Food Service
7.D. Recognition of Campuses for Student Attendance
7.E. Recognition of Campus with Top Staff Attendance
7.F. Department Presentations- Technology
8. Public Comments
9. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of SHAC Committee parent volunteers - M. Taylor
9.A. Becky Casiano, April Crouch, Patricia Juarez, and Ruby Vera
10. Consider and take possible action regarding Natalia ISD Adoption of the OMNI Group Model 457(b) differed compensation plan - C. Garcia
11. Consider and take possible action regarding Statement of Inpact of San Antonio Charter School - School of Science and Technology -E. Smith
12. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of LifeTouch Photography for Natalia ISD Staff and Student photos - Sam Alaniz
13. Consider and take possible action regarding establishing Facility Committee and Timelines for Bond Elections - M. Steck
14. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of 2016-2017 addition of Teacher/ Certified Athletic Trainer position - C Graves
15. Consider and take possible action regarding election of Board of Directors of Education Service Center, Region 20 - E. Smith
16. Business Manager Report- C. Garcia
16.A. Vouchers and Payments
16.B. Tax Report
16.C. Financial Report
17. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to Section 551.071 and 551.074 of Texas Gov’t. Code,deliberations regarding,
17.A. Board will conduct, discuss and consider hiring of Teacher(s)
17.B. Board will conduct, discuss and consider NISD Resignation(s)
17.C. Board will conduct, discuss and consider NISD Personnel
17.D. Board will conduct, discuss and consider hiring Curriculum/ Instructional Facilitator
17.E. Pursuant to Sec. 551.0821 of the Tex. Gov't Code, discussion regarding issues pertaining to change in student's placement
18. The Board Returns to Open Session,
18.A. Consider and take possible action regarding hiring of Teacher(s)
18.B. Consider and take possible action regarding NISD Resignation(s)
18.C. Consider and take possible action regarding NISD Personnel
18.D. Consider and take possible action regarding hiring Curriculum/ Instructional Facilitator
18.E. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Non Public Day School for student services.
19. Announcements
19.A. Student/ Staff Holiday - Spring Break March 14 - 18, 2016
19.B. Staff/Student Holiday - Easter Break March 25, 2016
19.C. Regular Board Meeting - April 11, 2016
20. Adjournment