October 12, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. Regular Board Meeting - September 14, 2015
5. Public Comments
6. Presentations - Michael Steck, Superintendent of Schools
6.A. Student of the Month - Elementary
6.B. Teacher of the Month -ECC
6.C. Staff of the Month - Food Service
6.D. Recognition of Campuses for Student Attendance
6.E. Recognition of Campus with Top Staff Attendance
7. 2015-2016 School Year Campus/ Principal Presentations
7.A. ECC - Jane Beck Deans
7.B. Elementary - Anna Lopez
7.C. Jr. High - Demetrio Garcia
7.D. High School - FFA, ACCLA, NHS
8. Consider and take possible
action on Contract with Direct Energy - C. Garcia and TASB
9. Consider and take possible
action on the Purchase of Bus/Buses - C.Garcia and J. Rizo
10. Consider and take possible
action on the Purchase of Technology Equipment of Computers for campus Computer Labs - D. Loza
10.A. Report on E-Rate - D. Loza
11. Consider and take possible
action on the approval of 2015 - 2016 Budget for Food Service (240) and Debt Service (599) - C. Garcia
12. Consider and take possible action on TASB Update 103 - 1st Reading
13. Consider and take possible
action regarding SRO position
14. Consider and take possible
action regarding A Resolution Nominating a Candidate for The Election of Medina County Appraisal Board of Director For the 2016-2017.
15. Manager Report- (C. Garcia)
15.A. Vouchers and Payments
15.B. Tax Report
15.C. Financial Report
The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to Section 551.071 and 551.074 of Texas Gov’t. Code, deliberations regarding,
16.A. Board will conduct, discuss and consider personnel
16.B. Board will conduct, discuss
SRO position with legal council if needed
16.C. The Board will conduct, discuss and consider Resignation(s)
17. The Board Returns to Open Session,
17.A. Consider and Take Possible
Action Regarding personnel
17.B. Consider and take possible action regarding Resignation(s)
18. Announcements,
18.A. Fall Festival October 28, 2015 5:00- 7:30p.m.
18.B. Regular Board Meeting November 9, 2015
18.C. Fall Art Show- Jr. High, November 12th 5:30 -7:30p.m.
19. Adjournment