September 21, 2010 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Closed Session
II.A. Review and Approve Employment, Resignations and Terminations of Professional Staff
II.B. Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of At-Will Personnel
II.C. Discussion of Personnel
II.D. Discussion of Sale, Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Property
II.E. Consultation with Attorney Regarding District Grievance Procedures
III. Pledge of Allegiance - Smith Elementary
IV. Public Forum
Anyone desiring to address the board should complete a visitor registration card by the beginning of the meeting, indicating the subject to be discussed on the back of the card. The school board will provide three minutes for each speaker to address the board. Persons arriving after the meeting starts should submit their remarks to the Board President in writing. Copies of the complete policy on public participation at board meetings are available on the registration table.
V. Consent Agenda:
Items to be approved in one all encompassing motion. If discussion is desired on a particular item, it will be removed from the consent agenda.
V.A. Minutes for:
V.A.1. Regular Meeting: August 17, 2010
V.A.2. Budget Workshop: September 7, 2010
V.A.3. Special Meeting: September 7, 2010
V.B. Tax Office Report for August, 2010
V.C. Investment Report for August, 2010
V.D. Budget Report for August, 2010
V.E. Memorandum of Understanding for the Travis County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program
V.F. Copy Machine Lease Contract Renewal
VI. Level III Grievance: Anabel Martinez
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Silent Adopters Luncheon - November 12, 2010
VII.B. Student Performance Initiative Update
VII.B.1. Enrollment Update
VII.B.2. Rezoning Update: 2011-2012
VII.B.3. Pregnancy Program Update
VII.C. Business Office Update
VII.C.1. Board Budget Workshop for October 5, 2010
VII.D. Human Resources Update
VII.D.1. 2010-2011 Update
VII.E. Bond Project Funds Update
VIII. Consider/Approve the Utility Conveyance Agreement Resolution of the Water Line through Dailey Middle School to SWWC Utilities, Inc.
IX. Consider/Approve Ordinance Adopting Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate for 2010-2011
X. Consider/Approve Ordinance Adopting Interest and Sinking Tax Rate for 2010-2011
XI. Discuss Objection to TABC Application-Dollar General
XII. Consider/Approve Upgrades to Old Fieldhouse from Bond Interest Funds
XIII. Review Legal Policy Update 88 List
XIII.A. For Review Only:
XIII.A.1. CCG Local Revenue Sources: Ad Valorem Taxes
XIII.A.2. CDB Other Revenues: Sale, Lease, or Exchange of School-Owned Property
XIII.A.3. CFA Accounting: Financial Reports and Statements
XIII.A.4. CMD Equipment and Supplies Management: Instructional Materials Care and Accounting
XIII.A.5. CQ Electronic Communication and Data Management
XIII.A.6. CS Facility Standards
XIII.A.7. DBD Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest
XIII.A.8. DEA Compensation and Benefits: Salaries and Wages
XIII.A.9. DEAA Compensation and Benefits: Incentives and Stipends
XIII.A.10. DECA Leaves and Absences: Family and Medical Leave
XIII.A.11. DECB Leaves and Absences: Military Leave
XIII.A.12. DL Workload
XIII.A.13. DMA Professional Development: Required Staff Development
XIII.A.14. DNA Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers
XIII.A.15. EEM Instructional Arrangements: Juvenile Residential Facilities
XIII.A.16. EFAA Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption: Textbook Selection and Adoption
XIII.A.17. EHAA Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (All Levels)
XIII.A.18. EHAC Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (Secondary)
XIII.A.19. EHBC Special Programs: Compensatory/Accelerated Services
XIII.A.20. EHBF Special Programs: Career and Technical Education
XIII.A.21. EHBL Special Programs: High School Equivalency
XIII.A.22. EIC Academic Achievement: Class Ranking
XIII.A.23. EIE Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion
XIII.A.24. EK Testing Programs
XIII.A.25. EKB Testing Programs: State Assessment
XIII.A.26. EKBA State Assessment: LEP Students
XIII.A.27. FD Admissions
XIII.A.28. FEA Attendance: Compulsory Attendance
XIII.A.29. FEB Attendance: Attendance Accounting
XIII.A.30. FFAD Wellness and Health Services: Communicable Diseases
XIII.A.31. FOC Student Discipline: Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting
XIII.A.32. FODA Expulsion: Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program
XIII.A.33. GBA Public Information Program: Access to Public Information
XIII.A.34. GNC Relations with Educational Entities: Colleges and Universities
XIV. Consider/Approve Local Policies
XIV.A. For Board Approval:
XIV.A.1. CQ (Local) Electronic Communication and Data Management
XIV.A.2. DH (Local) Employee Standards of Conduct
XIV.A.3. EIE (Local) Academic Achievement Retention and Promotion
XV. Consider/Approve Officially Designating Superintendent for Approval of Change Orders
XVI. Approve Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
XVII. Adjourn**