August 17, 2010 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Closed Session
II.A. Review and Approve Employment, Resignations and Terminations of Professional Staff
II.B. Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of At-Will Personnel
II.C. Discussion of Personnel Matters
II.C.1. General Personnel Items
II.C.2. Consultation with Attorney Regarding District Grievance Procedures
II.C.3. Conny B. Hatch III -vs- DVISD Update
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Forum
Anyone desiring to address the board should complete a visitor registration card by the beginning of the meeting, indicating the subject to be discussed on the back of the card. The school board will provide three minutes for each speaker to address the board. Persons arriving after the meeting starts should submit their remarks to the Board President in writing. Copies of the complete policy on public participation at board meetings are available on the registration table.
V. Recognition of Friday Night Lights
VI. District Accountability Report: State and Adequate Yearly Progress
VII. 2009-2010 Student Initiative Performance Awards
VIII. Announcement of DVISD as a TEA Recognized District for the 2009-2010 School Year
IX. Recognition of Appointment of Irma Lira and Rosemary Banda for TASBO Certification
X. Recognition of Hornsby-Dunlap Elementary for Student Attendance for 2009-2010
XI. Recognition of Laurie Jurado: Harvard Principalship Program
XII. Designate a Delegate and Alternate for the TASA/TASB Annual Convention
XIII. Consent Agenda:
Items to be approved in one all encompassing motion. If discussion is desired on a particular item, it will be removed from the consent agenda.
XIII.A. Minutes for: July 20, 2010 Regular Board Meeting
XIII.B. Tax Office Report for July, 2010
XIII.C. Investment Report for July, 2010
XIII.D. Budget Report for July, 2010
XIII.E. Identified 2010-2011 Acute Teacher Shortage Areas for Del Valle ISD
XIII.F. Professional Contract - Speech Therapist
XIII.G. PDAS Appraisers for 2010-2011
XIII.H. Activities/Strategies that Support Goals for Fund 428 - High School Allotment 2010-2011
XIII.I. Final Payment to the General Contractor on the Technology HVAC Project
XIII.J. Final Payment to the General Contractor on the District-wide Accessibility Project
XIV. Consider Employee Level III Grievance: Anabel Martinez
XV. Superintendent's Report
XV.A. SPI Update
XV.A.1. 2010-2011 Graduation Ceremonies for Del Valle High School and Opportunity Center
XV.A.2. Grants Update
XV.A.3. 2010 DVISD Summer School Report
XV.A.4. Rezoning Timeline for Gilbert Elementary
XV.A.5. Registration Update for Staffing
XV.B. Board Member Tickets for Seating at Home Football Games and UIL Passes
XV.C. Budget/Business Office Update
XV.C.1. Budget Update - Discussion of Tax Rates for 2010-2011
XV.C.2. Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement
XV.C.3. Budget Workshop: September 7, 2010
XVI. Review Budget Amendment for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) for 2010-2011
XVII. Consider/Approve Budget Amendment #1 General Fund for 2010-2011
XVIII. Consider/Approve Budget Amendment #2 Food Service for 2010-2011
XIX. Discuss placing an item on a future agenda to invite representatives from Formula 1 to give us an idea about the impact it will have on Del Valle
XX. Approve Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
XXI. Adjourn**