October 21, 2008 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Closed Session
II.A. Review and Approve Employment, Resignations and Terminations of Professional Staff
II.B. Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of At-Will Personnel
II.C. Discussion of Sale, Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Property
II.D. Discussion of Personnel
III. Public Hearing - Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
IV. Pledge of Allegiance - Creedmoor Elementary
V. Public Forum
Anyone desiring to address the board should complete a visitor registration card by the beginning of the meeting, indicating the subject to be discussed on the back of the card. The school board will provide three minutes for each speaker to address the board. Persons arriving after the meeting starts should submit their remarks to the Board President in writing. Copies of the complete policy on public participation at board meetings are available on the registration table.
VI. Consider/Approve 2007-2008 Annual Financial Audit
VII. Consider/Approve Design Development Phase Plans for DVISD Middle School #3
VIII. Consent Agenda:
Items to be approved in one all encompassing motion. If discussion is desired on a particular item, it will be removed from the consent agenda.
VIII.A. Minutes for:
VIII.A.1. Regular Meeting: September 16, 2008
VIII.B. Tax Office Report for September, 2008
VIII.C. Investment Report for September, 2008
VIII.D. Budget Report for September, 2008
VIII.E. Vendor Selection for Waste Disposal and Recycling Services
VIII.F. Vendor Selection for Fire/Safety Inspection Services
VIII.G. TECH Prep Grant
VIII.H. Texas Educator Excellence Grant Award Cycle 3
IX. Superintendent's Report
IX.A. Student Performance Initiative Update
IX.A.1. Performance Based Monitoring Accountability System (PBMAS)
IX.A.2. AYP Update
IX.B. Set Date for Board Operating Procedures Workshop
IX.C. HR Update
IX.C.1. Notifying Employees of Policy Changes
IX.C.2. Health Services Update
IX.D. Budget Update
IX.D.1. Discussion of District Fund Balance
IX.D.2. Possible Implications Due to Current U.S. Financial Situation
IX.D.3. Update on SHARS (School Health and Related Services) and MAC (Medicaid Administrative Claiming)
IX.D.4. Update on May 2007 Bond Funds
IX.D.5. Update on Property Value Audits
IX.D.6. Upcoming District Audits
IX.D.6.a. Texas Dept of Agriculture-Child Nutrition
IX.D.6.b. Internal Revenue Service
X. Consider/Approve Budget Amendment #2 - General Fund
XI. Consider/Approve TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 83 (Local Policies)
XI.A. For Approval as Written
XI.A.1. DEA Compensation and Benefits Salaries and Wages
XI.A.2. DGBA Personnel-Management Relations Employee Complaints/Grievances
XI.A.3. DIA Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation
XI.A.4. FB Equal Educational Opportunity
XI.A.5. FFH Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation
XI.A.6. FFI Student Welfare Freedom from Bullying
XI.A.7. FL Student Records
XI.A.8. FNC Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Conduct
XI.A.9. FNG Student Rights and Responsibilities Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
XI.A.10. FO Student Discipline
XI.A.11. FOC Exhibit: Listing of Felony Offenses
XI.A.12. GBAA Exhibit: Guidelines for Copy Charges
XI.A.13. GF Public Complaints
XI.B. For Deletion
XI.B.1. DAA Employment Objectives Equal Employment Opportunity
XI.B.2. CFE Accounting Payroll Procedures
XI.B.3. EHAC Basic Instructional Program Required Instruction (Secondary)
XII. Consider/Approve Policy DH (Local)
XIII. Approve Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
XIV. Adjourn**