April 15, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Choir performance
Student of the Month: Jenna Gustin a student at BBAC. Introduced by Principal Paul Coronado
Employee of the Month: Christina Rodriguez at BBAC. Introduced by Principal Paul Coronado.
District Wide Employees of Month-Colonial Heights-Sara Maines, Oak Grove-Rosa Gonzales, BMS-Zoe Carter, BHS- Cathy Pope, Maintenance/Transportation-Christina Rodriguez, Central Office-Maime Tells
Policy DC (LOCAL) TASB Review
Principal Fellows Presentation
Board Continuing Education Hours Reporting
Consider March 2019 Monthly Financial Reports
Extracurricular Activities
College and Career
Special Programs
South Plains Association of School Boards Meeting ESC 17 Tuesday April 16th 6:30 p.m.
Town Talk
Approve Minutes from previous meetings
Consider Audit Engagement
Consider Authorizing Superintendent to Execute a Contract to LeasePurchase Buses totaling approximately $335,000 over 3 years with a Buy Board Authorized Vendor and Execute any Accompanying Finance Documents
Consider Authorizing Superintendent Purchase suburbans totaling approximately $85,000 with a Buy Board Authorized Vendor and Execute any Accompanying Finance Documents
CLOSED SESSION: Closed session to discuss personnel, TX.GOVT. CODE SECTION 551.074; Discuss purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, TX.GOVT. CODE SECTION 551.072
PERSONNEL-The Board may adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. (TX. GOVT. CODE SECTION 551.074)
Renew or propose the nonrenewal of term contract employees in accordance with Chapter 21, Subchapter E, Texas Education Code; renew or terminate probationary contract employees effective at the end of their current probationary contract periods in accordance with Chapter 21 Subchapter C, Texas Education Code; renew or terminate contract employees on contracts not governed by Chapter 21, Texas Education Code, effective at the end of their current contract periods; and authorize the superintendent to deliver, on Board's behalf, any required notices(s) to such employees in accordance with the Texas Education Code.
Renew or propose the nonrenewal of term contract employees in accordance with Chapter 21, Subchapter E, Texas Education Code; renew or terminate probationary contract employees effective at the end of their current probationary contract periods in accordance with Chapter 21 Subchapter C, Texas Education Code; renew or terminate contract employees on contracts not governed by Chapter 21, Texas Education Code, effective at the end of their current contract periods; and authorize the superintendent to deliver, on Board's behalf, any required notices(s) to such employees in accordance with the Texas Education Code.
Offer employment contract(s) to certified and/or non-certified professional administrator employment applicants(s) for initial assignment by Superintendent to one or more of the following positions: central office administrator; campus principal; assistant principal; and other professional administrative support positions.
Offer employment contract(s) to other certified and/or non-certified professional employment applicant(s) for initial assignment by Superintendent to administration, classroom teaching, counseling, librarian, nurse, and other professional instructional and/or professional support positions
Consider Resignations