January 11, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Action Items
3.a. Discussion and possible action on a resolution regarding the use of emergency paid sick leave for 2020-2021.
Presenter: Dustin Barton |
3.b. Discussion and possible action on City of Caddo Mills water system improvements and waste water improvements.
Presenter: Matt McMahan and Eddy Daniel |
3.c. Discussion and possible action on order authorizing the issuance of unlimited tax school building bonds; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for and payment of said bonds; approving an official statement; authorizing submission of the bonds to the Texas Attorney General; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
Presenter: Dustin Barton |
3.d. Discussion and possible action of the trade contractors and total sheet for the new high school.
Presenter: Von Gallagher |
4. Adjourn