November 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||
Notice of this meeting was mailed or electronically transmitted to the news media, who previously requested such notice, and a copy was posted in the display case outside the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Instructional Support Center on November 7, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
AGENDA COMMENTS: Per BED (Local), patrons may address the Board during any Board Meeting under Agenda Comments regarding items listed on the agenda for that meeting. Individuals must register in advance. Registration opens the day the agenda is posted to the district website, and the deadline for registering is 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, individuals must click on the "Register to Speak" link found under each agenda item listed for that meeting on the district website. This electronic speaker form must be completed in its entirety. Agenda Comments will generally be heard before each agenda item to be discussed or considered by the Board unless rearranged by the Board President. Any registered speaker who is absent from the meeting at the time for Agenda Comments forfeits the opportunity to address the Board at that meeting but may submit written comments to the Board. MEETING OPENING: Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, District's Vision and Mission Statement |
1.A. The Superintendent will make remarks and announcements regarding the honors and achievements earned by staff and students in recent weeks and provide information regarding District and community events or items of interest.
2.A. Board members may make comments during this portion of the agenda regarding student achievement, district progress and data, community input and concerns, observations from school visits, meetings and conferences attended, district and community events and initiatives, or continuing education. The Board may not take action on items discussed.
3.A. The Board will consider approving the minutes of the October 10, 2022, Regular Board Meeting.
3.B. The Board will consider approving the budget amendments for the period July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022.
3.C. The Board will consider approving the district’s 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Single Audit Report and accept the auditors’ report on the district’s general-purpose financial statements and single audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.
3.D. The Board will consider approving the district and campus improvement plans for the 2022-2023 school year.
3.E. The Board will consider authorizing the superintendent to execute a memorandum of understanding with New York University Steinhardt for Speech Pathology Field Placement.
3.F. The Board will consider approving dual reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
3.F.1. EFA (LOCAL) Instructional Resources: Instructional Materials (Revise)
3.F.2. EFB (LOCAL) Instructional Resources: Library Materials (Revise)
3.G. The Board will consider approving on first reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
3.G.1. EHBB (LOCAL) Special Programs: Gifted and Talented Students (Revise)
3.G.2. EIF (LOCAL) Academic Achievement: Graduation (Revise)
3.H. The Board will consider approving on second reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
3.H.1. FEA (LOCAL) Attendance: Compulsory Attendance (Revise)
3.H.2. FEC (LOCAL) Attendance: Attendance for Credit (Revise)
3.I. The Board will consider awarding bids and contracts and/or authorizing purchase orders as recommended in the posted agenda item.
3.I.1. Avtec Console System for Cy-Fair Police Department
3.I.2. Carpet and Resilient Flooring
3.I.3. Moveable Walls, Display Panels, and Pedestals for Artwork for the Visual & Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
3.I.4. Service Tech Truck for Nutrition Services
3.J. The Board will consider approving construction proposals and contracts paid from Bond Funds to the recommended contractors and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute all necessary documents related to such contracts as follows:
3.J.1. 2022 Warner and Woodard ES Renovations
3.J.2. Visual and Performing Arts Center Digital Marquee
3.K. The Board will consider making a determination that good cause did not exist as required by law for Pamela Bentley, Emily Castagno, Leticia Cortez, Deanne Curinier, Harley Dice, Jacqueline Escatell, Ronald Figgs, Arely Flores, Anita Garcia, Isabel Gonzalez, Jasmine Jackson, Allynthia Lewis-Oglesby, Blake Orsak, Courtney Price, Irene San Martin, Shawnette Shields, and Elizabeth Zimmerman to resign their respective employment contracts. [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.]
3.L. The Board will review and consider the adoption of revised Board Operating Procedures outlining the duties of a public official. [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.]
4.A. The administration will discuss establishing attendance boundaries for Elementary #58 and Middle School #20 and modifying multiple attendance boundaries.
4.B. The administration will discuss Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings. [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code.]
5.A. Per BED (Local), patrons may address the Board during the Regular Board Meeting under Citizen Participation on any matters of interest or concerns that are not posted agenda items. Individuals may only register to speak one time per meeting and must register in advance. Registration opens the day the agenda is posted to the district website, and the deadline for registering is 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, individuals must click on the “Register to Speak” link found under the Citizen Participation heading in the agenda for that meeting on the district website. This electronic speaker form must be completed in its entirety. Any registered speaker who is absent from the meeting at the time for Citizen Participation forfeits the opportunity to address the Board at that meeting but may submit written comments to the Board.
If, during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to any item included in this notice, then such closed session as authorized by Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed session concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071 through 551.084, of the Open Meetings Act.
6.A. There will be a Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq.