April 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board Work Session
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||
1.A. The presiding officer will call the meeting to order.
1.B. Invocation
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
2.A. The District shall maximize every student's potential through rigorous and relevant learning experiences preparing students to be 21st century global leaders.
The District's vision is formed from the acronym LEAD - to Learn, Empower, Achieve, Dream ... LEAD |
3.A. Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (Local) may address the Board and make public comments on an agenda item during or before the board’s consideration of the item. The Board may allow public comment on agenda items at all meetings. The Board will continue with the remaining agenda after the registered patrons have had an opportunity to speak. (To participate, registration is between 5:30 and 5:50 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting at the entrance to the CFISD Boardroom.)
4.A. The Board will recognize District 10 6A, Class 6A Region III & State Girls Head Wrestling Coach and Assistant Wrestling Coach of the Year.
4.B. The Board will recognize Bridgeland High School student, Cadet Major Tomas Caruso, Cy-Fair High School AFJROTC Unit, for being selected to attend the Miami Dade College summer flight program.
4.C. The Board will recognize Cypress Ridge High School AFJROTC Cadet Donny Ho for receiving a 3-year Army ROTC scholarship.
4.D. The Board will recognize Cypress Falls High School AFJROTC students for earning the 1st Place Silver Tier Award, All Services Division in the National Cyber Patriot XIV Competition.
4.E. The Superintendent will make remarks and announcements including the honors and achievements earned by staff and students in recent weeks.
5.A. Any Board member may make a comment during this portion of the agenda, without prior posting being required. Comment items may not pertain to the character of any students, staff or Board member and may not be discussed or deliberated upon at this meeting.
6.A. Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (Local) may address the Board regarding matters of concern/interest to the district, other than the character of any student, staff or Board member. The Board may not act upon any matter that is not listed under the action item portion of the agenda. (To participate, registration is between 5:30 and 5:50 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting at the entrance to the CFISD Boardroom.)
7.A. The administration will provide a report on the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Demographic Update completed by Population and Survey Analysts (PASA).
7.B. The administration will provide an update on the general operating budget for the 2021-2022 school year.
8.A. The Board will consider approving the minutes of the March 10, 2022 Regular Board Meeting.
9.A. The Board will consider the adoption of an order authorizing the issuance of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District unlimited tax school building and refunding bonds, which may be Issued in one or more series levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof, providing for the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
9.B. The Board will consider the adoption of orders authorizing the conversion of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District variable rate unlimited tax school building bonds, Series 2014 B-1, 2015 B-3, and 2017 A-2 to a new rate period, authorizing the preparation of a remarketing memorandum and enacting other provisions relating thereto.
9.C. The Board will consider modification of attendance boundaries for Andre Elementary School for the 2022-2023 School Year.
9.D. The Board will consider approving the restatement of the Interlocal Participation Agreement (IPA) with the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Risk Management Fund to enable participation in one or more of the Fund's available programs and authorize the superintendent or designee to execute all necessary documents related to the TASB Risk Management Fund.
9.E. The Board will consider approving the superintendent’s contract recommendations to issue probationary, term and annual contracts for the 2022-2023 school year for teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals.
9.F. The Board will consider approving an Interlocal Agreement between Harris County and Cypress-Fairbanks ISD for COVID-19 rapid-antigen tests.
9.G. The Board will consider approving on first reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
9.G.1. CFD (LOCAL) Accounting: Activity Funds Management (Revise)
9.G.2. CQB (LOCAL) Technology Resources: Cybersecurity (Revise)
9.G.3. FDE (LOCAL) Admissions: School Safety Transfers (Revise)
9.H. The Board will consider approving on second reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
9.H.1. CH (LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition (Revise)
9.H.2. CHE (LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition: Vendor Disclosures and Contracts (Delete)
9.H.3. EFD (LOCAL) Instructional Resources: Field Trips (Delete)
9.H.4. EHB (LOCAL) Curriculum Design: Special Programs (Add)
9.H.5. EHBAA (LOCAL) Special Education: Identification, Evaluation and Eligibility (Add)
9.H.6. FMF (LOCAL) Student Activities: Contests and Competition (Delete)
9.I. The Board will consider approving a Memorandum of Understanding for one of the district’s university partners, Abilene Christian University (ACU).
9.J. The Board will consider approving construction proposals and contracts paid from bond funds to the recommended contractor and authorize the superintendent or designee to execute all necessary documents related to such contract as follows:
9.J.1. 2022 Ben Bradley Police Department & Telge ELC Portable Relocation Infrastructure
9.K. The Board will consider awarding bids and contracts and/or authorizing purchase orders as recommended in the posted agenda item:
9.K.1. Athletic Equipment and Supplies
9.K.2. Hazardous Waste Disposal
9.K.3. Instructional Materials - Textbooks, eBooks, Workbooks, and Teacher Materials
9.K.4. Printing Services
9.L. The Board will consider approving the extension of the existing Lease Agreement between Cypress-Fairbanks ISD and Miller Oil & Gas. [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.072.]
10.A. The Superintendent will provide information regarding district events and items of community interest.
11.A. The Board will discuss duties of a public official. [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.]
If, during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to any item included in this notice, then such closed session as authorized by Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed session concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071 through 551.084, of the Open Meetings Act. |
12.A. There will be a Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq.