October 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Board Work Session
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
1.B. Invocation
1.C. The presiding officer will call the meeting to order.
2.A. The District shall maximize every student's potential through rigorous and relevant learning experiences preparing students to be 21st century global leaders.
2.B. The District's vision is formed from the acronym LEAD - to Learn, Empower, Achieve, Dream ... LEAD
3.A. The Board will recognize ICI Construction for the donation of funds to purchase school supplies for economically disadvantaged students.
ICI Construction and president Bart Cobb has a tradition of donating funds to school districts where they have completed campus renovations. These donations are expressly designated for the purchase of school supplies for underprivileged students. |
3.B. The Superintendent will make remarks and announcements including the honors and achievements earned by staff and students in recent weeks.
4.A. Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (Local) may address the Board and make public comments on an agenda item during or before the board’s consideration of the item. The Board may allow public comment on agenda items at all meetings. The Board will continue with the remaining agenda after the registered patrons have had an opportunity to speak. (To participate, registration is between 5:30 and 5:50 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting at the entrance to the CFISD Boardroom.)
5.A. Any Board member may make a comment during this portion of the agenda, without prior posting being required. Comment items may not pertain to the character of any students, staff or Board member and may not be discussed or deliberated upon at this meeting.
6.A. Patrons who have duly registered per policy BED (Local) may address the Board regarding matters of concern/interest to the district, other than the character of any student, staff or Board member. The Board may not act upon any matter that is not listed under the action item portion of the agenda. (To participate, registration is between 5:30 and 5:50 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting at the entrance to the CFISD Boardroom.)
7.A. In accordance with Texas Education Code and State Board of Education regulations, the President of the Board shall announce the name of each Board member who has completed, exceeded or who is deficient in the continuing education required under state law.
The following Board members have exceeded their required Continuing Education Credits per the above regulations. Debbie Blackshear - 20.50 hours Bob Covey - 25.25 hours Julie Hinaman - 28.25 hours Tom Jackson - 23.00 hours Dr. John Ogletree - 28.50 hours Don Ryan - 21.00 hours Gilbert Sarabia - 22.00 hours
7.B. The administration will provide an update on the general operating budget for the 2020-2021
school year. |
8.A. The Board will consider approving the minutes of the September 13, 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
9.A. The Board will consider approving CFISD Trustee Tom Jackson's request to attend the 2022 NSBA Advocacy Institute in Washington, D.C.
According to Board Operating Procedures, Board members may attend one additional Board training of their choice within the continental United States in addition to TASB, NSBA and Region IV trainings. Additional training may be requested by individual Board members and must be approved by a majority of the Board. |
9.B. The Board will consider approving on first reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
9.B.1. DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits: Leaves and Absences (Revise)
These changes are the ones required by legislation passed this summer creating leave for mental health and isolation for police officers, but we have chosen to make the mental health leave available to all employees who would qualify under the policy.
9.B.2. FFAC (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services: Medical Treatment (Revise)
Changes based on guidance from Texas Dept of State Health Services including provisions on administering medication provided by parents direct the superintendent to designate the employees authorized to administer medication, medical treatment provisions have been updated to clarify who may complete medical treatment authorizations and reflect that the district shall seek appropriate emergency care for a student as required or deemed necessary and other text has been removed and will be moved to administrative regulation.
9.C. The Board will consider approving on second reading additions, revisions or deletions to district policies:
9.C.1. CV (LOCAL) Facilities Construction (Revise)
TASB recommends adding note referencing CH(LOCAL) for emergency contracting during a catastrophe.
9.C.2. DEA (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan (Revise)
Pay during an Emergency Closure section is being revised to clarify payment during an emergency closure is for employees who are not accessing emergency closure leave. Pay Increase section is being revised to better align with all staff evaluation rating systems.
9.C.3. EHBAF (LOCAL) Special Education: Video/Audio Monitoring (Revise)
Changes were made to incorporate requirements from the Commissioner of Education’s administrative rules regarding requests for video installation, access to recorded videos and expedited appeals to TEA.
9.D. The Board will consider approving and submitting to the Commissioner of Education a request for Maximum Class Size Waiver.
A class size waiver is being requested for campuses that have grade level classes above the 22:1 ratio in grades PK-4. Our obligation is to report any PK-4 classroom in excess of 22 students per PK-4 grade teacher. There are three considerations used for the request to seek class size waivers: Unanticipated growth, lack of available teacher candidates and lack of available space to accommodate additional classrooms.
9.E. The Board will consider approving the shared service arrangement between Cypress-Fairbanks ISD and Lone Star College.
The shared service arrangement supports the successful transition of CFISD students into college. Students who meet the required performance levels in English IV L and/or Advanced Algebra are eligible for automatic entry into English 1301 and/or College Algebra at Lone Star College. This is a renewal with no changes.
9.F. The Board will consider authorizing the superintendent to execute a memorandum of understanding with the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences for Speech Pathology Field Placement.
The purpose of the Speech Pathology Field Placement with the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences with CFISD is to provide an opportunity for the graduate student to meet the objectives of field instruction in Speech Pathology. This placement also provides CFISD with potential candidates in an area of critical shortage.
10.A. The Superintendent will provide information regarding district events and items of community interest.
If, during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to any item included in this notice, then such closed session as authorized by Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed session concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071 through 551.084, of the Open Meetings Act. |
11.A. There will be a Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq.