September 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Attendance/Enrollment
6. Campus Principal Reports
6.A. Upcoming Events
6.B. Academic Updates
7. Consent Action Agenda
7.A. Minutes
7.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
7.C. Tax Reports
7.D. Utility Usage Graphs
7.E. Budget Amendment # 1
7.F. Quarterly Investment Report
8. Discussion Items
8.A. Presentation by LIT regarding Dual Credit Pilot program for Welding.
8.B. 2022 BOY, MOY and EOY Data. HB3 Performance Measures for Early Childhood, Reading and Math. Presented by Catie Whitehead and Tiffany Horton.
9. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
9.A. TASA/TASB Convention September 23 - September 25, 2022
10. Regular Action Agenda
10.A. Consider and act to adopt Resolution that recognizes the Hardin County Texas 4-H Organization as approved for recognition and eligible for extracurricular status consideration under 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 75.1, pertaining to extracurricular activities, and approve Katie Pace Hardin County Extension Agent as adjunct faculty member for the Hardin County, Texas 4-H Organization.
10.B. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $106,992.00 to SBS for the SMS Intercom System.
10.C. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $120,664.00 to SBS for the SHS Intercom System.
10.D. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $31,048.00 to SBS for the SHS Valcom IP Clock System.
10.E. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $31,000.00 to Carrier for the SMS AC Unit in Rear Gym.
11. Executive Session - Personnel Matter - Gov't Code 551.074
11.A. Discussion of Employment and Resignations.
11.B. Superintendent Goals
12. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
12.A. Consider and act on employment and resignations (as needed).
12.B. Consider and act to adopt Superintendent Goals.
13. Adjournment