July 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Consent Action Agenda
5.A. Minutes
5.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
5.C. Tax Reports
5.D. Budget Amendment # 12
5.E. Utility Usage Graphs
6. Regular Action Agenda
6.A. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
6.A.1. Return to school plan
6.A.2. Teacher Incentive Allotment
6.A.3. TEA Waiver that was submitted due to COVID-19. (Information only)
Parent Notice Requirement for Students at Risk of Failure |
6.B. Consider and act on setting Student Cafeteria Meal Pricing for 2020-2021 School Year.
6.C. Consider and act on renewal of Student Athletic Insurance with Texas Kids First effective August 1, 2020.
6.D. Consider and act to amend the School Calendar for 2020-2021 school year.
6.E. Consider and act on changing Bank signature cards at Wells Fargo due to a change in Board Officers.
6.F. Consider and act on second extension for Pest Control Service, with Clark Pest Control, Inc., August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021
6.G. Consider and act on second extension for Industrial Laundry Goods and Services, with Munro's Uniform Services, August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021.
6.H. Consider and act on first extension for Contracted Lawn and Grounds Services with Southern Lawn and Landscapes. Ausgust 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021
6.I. Consider and authorize Superintendent to submit the synchronous instruction attestation and or asynchronous plan once finalized.
6.J. Consider and act on Open RFP for instructional materials, equipment, supplies, and related items.
6.K. Consider and approve PO to Dell for Chromebooks.
6.L. Consider and act on Workers' Compensation Insurance Plan with Claims Administrative Services effective September 1, 2020.
6.M. Consider and act on Budget Amendment #13 related to the PO to Coastal Welding.
6.N. Consider and act on PO to Coastal Welding to purchase equipment for the SHS welding classes, related to the TWC grant.
6.O. Approving and authorizing agreement between the Silsbee Independent School District and Live Oak Public Finance, LLC for Financial Advisory Services and all matter related thereto.
6.P. Select Delegate and Alternate for the 2020 TASB Delegate Assembly
6.Q. Consider and act on ABM EnhancedClean Service Addendum as presented.
6.R. Consider and adopt Board Policy Update 115 effecting the following (LOCAL) Policy.
BF - Board Policies DED - vacation and holidays (for districts that currently have this policy) DIA - freedom from discriminatin, harassment, and retaliation (employees) EI - academic achievement FB - equal educational opportunity FD - admissions FEB - attendance accounting FFG - child abuse and neglect FFH - freedom from discriminatin, harassment, and retaliation (students) FNG - student and parent complaints/greivances GF - public complaints |
6.S. The open session of the meeting will recess and the Board of Trustees will convene in closed session for the following purposes.
6.S.1. Teacher and Administrators(Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
6.S.1.a. Discussion of Employment
6.S.1.b. Reassignment and Resignations
6.S.2. Discussion for the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's Attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. (Tex. Govt. Code 551.071(2))
6.S.3. Discussion of Employment, Termination, Reassignment, Resignations, and Evaluation of Paraprofessional, Auxiliary and Support Staff (Tex. Govt. Code 551.074)
6.S.4. Security - Gov't Code 551.089
6.T. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
6.U. Personnel
6.V. Adjournment