March 24, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public Comment
2. Consent Agenda
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item
2.A. Minutes of meeting held on February 14, 2011.
2.B. Amendments to current budget
2.C. Quarterly investment report
2.D. Denton County Special Education Shared Services Arrangement Agreement
2.E. Textbook selection certification
3. Curriculum Matters
Jackie McBroom
3.A. School Health Advisory Council report
Information Item
3.B. Technology Plan for 2011-2012
Action Item
3.C. Update on make up days for 2010-2011
Information Item
4. Board Matters
Kent Crutsinger
4.A. Policy Update 89, affecting local policies (see attached list)
Action Item
Date: March 24, 2011 Subject: Local Policy Update 89 1. Authority for this Action: State Law and Texas Education Code 2. Strategic Objective: Update 89 updates and encompasses changes in law that have an immediate effect on the governance and management of Sanger ISD. Local policies contained in Update 89 need Board approval to be in compliance with state mandates. Summary: A suggested motion for board action is as follows: " I move that the board add, revise, or delete local policies as recommended by TASB Policy Manual Update 89." Input Received: TASB Policy Services provided Update 89 per its contract with Sanger ISD. You have a copy of the needed changes. Administrative Recommendation: Recommendation is for approval |
4.B. Resolution extending Depository Contract for Funds
Action Item
Action will extend current depository contract with Sanger Bank expiring on 8/31/11 for the next biennium period 9/01/2011-08/31/2013. Specific changes to the extention: 1. The NSF fee has increased to $30.00 per item (We do not overdraft). 2. Persons who do not have an account with Sanger Bank but are presenting our checks for cashing must now (a) go into bank and (b) pay a $5.00 check cashing fee (normal bank policy). |
4.C. Joint election agreement and contract for election services
Action Item
Mr. Crutsinger requests the approval of the agreement which engages Denton County to conduct the upcoming trustee election. |
4.D. A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Sanger Independent School District approving payment to all employees of the District who were prevented from working on scheduled work days by reason of the closure of the District for inclement weather.
Action Item
4.E. 2011-2012 School year draft budget update
Information Item
Mr. Crutsinger will update the Board on the 2011-2012 draft budget. |
5. District Employees and Officers
Kent Crutsinger
5.A. Personnel Sheet #6 for Employment and Resignations
Action Item
Information will be handed out at meeting. |
5.B. Consider and act on Superintendent's recommendations regarding employment of professional personnel for the 2011-2012 school year.
Action Item
Information will be handed out at meeting. |
5.C. Consider and act on DCSEC Director's recommendations regarding employment of administrator and other professional personnel.
Action Item
Additional information to be handed out at meeting. |
5.D. Consider and act on termination of probationary teacher contracts.
Action Item
Information will be handed out at meeting. |
6. Reports/Information Items
Information Items
6.A. Financial Reports
Kent Crutsinger
6.A.1. Comparison of revenue to budget
6.A.2. Comparison of expenditures to budget
6.A.3. Percent of budget expended
6.A.4. Tax collection report
6.A.5. Monthly investment report
6.A.6. 2010 Tax Roll and Levy History
6.A.7. Current Budget Update
6.B. Elementary Principals' reports
6.B.1. Sixth Grade Campus
Steve Skelton
6.B.2. Clear Creek Intermediate
Ann Williams
6.B.3. Butterfield Elementary
Larry Beam
6.B.4. Chisholm Trail Elementary
Sandra Hensley
6.C. Curriculum Report
Jackie McBroom
6.D. Operations Report
Eric Beam
6.D.1. Food Service report
6.D.1.a. Audit Report
Mr. Beam will discuss the Food Service audit at the meeting.
6.E. Superintendent Report
Kent Crutsinger
6.E.1. Current enrollment report
6.E.2. Utility Data
6.E.3. Sanger High School principal search update
Mr. Crutsinger will give update at meeting.